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时间:2019-09-12 19:52来源:英语论文
This essay takes the method of analogy, seeks their main differences through their different linguistic phenomenon and customs, etc, presents the effects of these differences on negotiation and finall

This essay takes the method of analogy, seeks their main differences through their different linguistic phenomenon and customs, etc, presents the effects of these differences on negotiation and finally puts forward a variety of coping strategies for the negotiators’ reference. And I hope this study can improve the personal abilities of Chinese business negotiators to cope with the complex situation under intercultural background and gives some suggestions to ensure that the negotiations can be proceeded smoothly.

II. The Relevant Definitions and Causes of Cultural Barriers in Sino-American Business Negotiation

2.1 The Definition of Business Negotiation
International business negotiation is cross-cultural actions and a process performed by at least two parties who aim to achieve agreements by information exchange. The negotiators belong to different countries and represent the interests of different regions. International business negotiation is a vital and essential part in foreign trade fairs. In modern international business society, hard and tedious negotiations are necessary for concluding a large amount of transactions. In transactions between countries, different beneficiaries need to negotiate the issues which they are interested in and concern about jointly. The negotiators also need to coordinate and adjust their own economic or political interests, seek a point where the other side would like to make a compromise to achieve a mutual-benefit corporation and reach an agreement. Because the negotiators are from perse states, international business negotiations are becoming intricate increasingly. So it can be said that international business negotiation is of great importance in global economic activities and it is an ubiquitous phenomenon in foreign trade fairs. It is an indispensable means to coordinate or solve the unavoidable conflicts of economic benefits between different countries or regions. 中美商务谈判中的文化障碍及应对策略(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39251.html