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时间:2019-06-23 21:44来源:英语论文
毕业论文 关键词:修辞术,修辞目的,翻译技巧 CONTENTS Acknowledgements.i Abstract.ii 摘要.iii 1 Introduction.1 2 Rhetoric3 2.1 Scope of Rhetoric.3 2.2 Western Rhetoric3 2.3 Chine

1 Introduction.1
2 Rhetoric3
2.1 Scope of Rhetoric.3
2.2 Western Rhetoric3
2.3 Chinese Rhetoric5
2.4 Comparison of English and Chinese Rhetoric.5
3 E-C Translation of Rhetoric Devices.8
3.1 Rhetoric and Translation8
3.2 Lexical Rhetoric Devices10
3.3 Syntactical Rhetoric Devices12
3.4 Phonetic Rhetoric Devices14
 4 Conclusion.18
1 Introduction
Rhetoric is how people give the impressions they give. Rhetoric is around in dialogue, in advertisements, and books. Rhetoric is employed no matter whether we’re conscious of it or not.

Retrospect the rhetorical history; it is a subject of linguistics and the study of language use. Rhetoric is linked with logic, psychology, sociology, aesthetics, literature, and history. Rhetoric is a language model. It is a process which people organize and modify language. From time immemorial, Chinese and foreign scholars have never stopped the study of rhetoric.

Philip Johnson (1922) claims that rhetoric is the art of framing an argument so that it can be appreciated by an audience. George Kennedy(1994:10): “Rhetoric in the most general sense may perhaps be identified with the energy inherent in communication:  the emotional energy that impels the speaker to speak, the physical energy expanded in the utterance, the energy level coded in the message, and the energy experienced by the recipient in decoding the message.” These two scholars’ views are clearly similar to Aristotle. They all think that rhetoric is a powerful tool to persuade people. Aristotle, he is the first man in history who detail the rhetoric theory systematically. “Rhetoric” is the first European rhetoric books, which has laid the strong theoretical foundation for Western classical rhetoric. The contemporary rhetoric study still can witness the influences of Aristotle's rhetoric system.

The features of Chinese rhetoric are well known. If translators do not understand Chinese rhetoric characteristics or use rhetoric improperly, it will be easy to make others unpleasant. They are widely spread in Chinese language and culture through different forms, such as idioms, proverbs. To appreciate Chinese rhetoric is a very interesting thing.

The languages are different in the whole world. At first it is perhaps the same while the story in the Bible gives us a hint how the languages are persified. God saw people join efforts to build a ladder to heaven, so God was very fearful. Therefore, he altered the language, making them speak different languages and not understand each other. Thus, the languages of the world have become different. Because language systems are different between in Chinese and English, there will be a distinction in rhetoric. As foreign language students, it is very crucial to learn about how to convert two languages, and make target language (TL) more closely to the source language (SL) in the rhetoric field. 英译汉中修辞格的表现手法(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_35105.html