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时间:2019-01-04 19:28来源:英语论文
Research on College Students’ Attitudes Towards Internet Advertisements and the Factors which Influence These Attitudes英语论文大学生对网络广告的态度及其影响因素研究

Abstract With the advance of internet and electronic commerce, internet advertisements are everywhere. Acting as a tool of promotion, internet advertisements have brought great influences and changes to our daily life. And people’s attitude towards it is an important factor that we should take into consideration when we value advertising effectiveness. College students as an important group of young people, so researching their attitudes towards internet advertisements would help advertising design department provide customers with professional design service and it is favorable to improve marketing efficiency. In order to explore colleges students’ attitude towards internet advertisements, the study issued 100 questionnaires to senior students in four full-time university in Nanjing. and took 82 back. There are 76 valid questionnaires, the questionnaire is composed by four parts, college students’ attitudes towards internet advertisement, college students’ attitudes towards e-commerce, college students’ attitudes towards publication channel of internet advertisement, college students’ attitudes towards the design of internet advertisement. According to the research towards 76 valid samples, I find that though college students have positive attitude towards advertisement of click while they hold inverse attitude towards e-commerce. Therefore, in order to advance their attitudes towards internet advertisements, advertisers and advertising designers should enhance and improve quality of product, designing form, etc.32193
Key Words: internet advertisement     influencing factor     attitudes    college student
摘  要互联网和电子商务的正飞速发展着,作为一种新型的网络营销手段,网络广告正在方方面面影响和改变着人们的生活。大众对于网络广告的态度,以及对网络广告效果的测评具有重要意义。大学生是网络广告受众中十分有代表性的一个青年群体,探讨大学生对于网络广告的态度,有助于广告设计制作的工作人员和企业营销者针对这一目标消费者群设计和制定合理的营销沟通策略,提高营销沟通的效率。为了探讨大学生对网络广告的态度,我们对南京四所高校的高年级学生发出了100份调查问卷,收回82份,有效问卷76份。这些问卷有四部分组成,即,大学生对网络广告、电子商务、网络广告的发行渠道以及网络广告的设计的态度。通过对76份有效样本的研究分析,发现大学生对网络广告的态度是积极的;对电子商务的态度是消极的。因此,针对大学生对于网络广告及电子商务的总体态度,本文提出网络广告主和广告设计制作人员要从商品质量、网络广告的设计表现形式等方面加以改善和提高。
毕业论文关键词:网络广告     影响因素     态度     大学生
Chapter One Introduction1
1.1 General situation of internet advertisements1
1.2 Advertising effects measurements3
1.3 Raising a question4
Chapter Two Literature Review.5
   2.1 Oversea current research on internet advertisements .5
   2.2 Domestic current research findings on interenet advertisements5
   2.3 Research target.6
Chapter Three Methodology7
3.1 Designing a questionnaire.7
3.2 Collecting data.7
3.2 Composition of sample7
    3.4 Research hypothesis9
Chapter Four Results and Discussion.10
4.1 College students’ attitudes towards internet advertisements.10
4.2 Influencing factors on college students’ attitudes.18
Chapter Five Conclusion20
5.1 Research conclusion22
5.2 Suggestions.22
   5.3 Limitations.23
References.24 大学生对网络广告的态度及其影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_28652.html