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时间:2018-11-18 20:05来源:英语论文
On Features and Translation Strategies of Network English英语论文浅谈网络英语的特点与翻译策略

摘 要在信息时代,网络已经影响到人们生活的方方面面,其对语言的影响也非常显著。语言既是人类特定的行为,又是其进行信息交流的载体。网络和英语的融合产生了具有时代特色的网络英语。本文主要运用文本分析法详细地分析了网络英语在词汇,句法以及语义方面呈现出的特点,总结了翻译网络英语的有效方法——直译法,音译法,意译法及音意结合法。希望本文有益于大家了解网络英语的特点和翻译方法,从而在日常生活中更好地使用网络英语。30355
Abstract  In this information age, Network has exerted a great impact on people’s life in all aspects, among which the influence on language is obvious. As a specific social action of human being, language is also a carrier of information used for its communication. Integration of network and English gives birth to network English with characteristics of the times. This paper explores the features of network English from the perspectives of vocabulary, syntax and semantics by text analysis and tries to summarize some effective translation strategies for network English: literal translation, transliteration, free translation and mixing translation. Hopefully this paper can help people understand its features and translation strategies thus use network English properly in our daily life.
Key words: Network English; lexical feature; syntactic feature; semantic feature; translation strategies
On Features and Translation Strategies of Network English
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
Ⅱ. Definition and Formation of Network English    2
2.1 Definition of Network English    2
2.2 Causes of Its Formation    2
III. Features of Network English    4
3.1 Lexical Features    4
3.2 Syntactic Features    7
3.3 Semantic Features    9
IV. Translation Strategies of Network English    10
  4.1 Literal Translation    10
  4.2 Transliteration    11
  4.3 Free Translation    11
  4.4 Mixing Translation    12
V. Conclusion    13
Bibliography    15
Acknowledgements    16
I. Introduction

In this information age, the application of network is ubiquitous, and with scientific and technological advancement, network is growing at a surprising speed in all areas of learning and has gradually become an important part of modern life. Due to its high efficiency, high spreading speed and large capacity of information storage, more and more people attach great importance to the power of network. People can sell or buy goods from the Internet; they can express their ideas through micro-blog or Wechat. Now people use netter to call those who often surf the Internet.
English is a major tool for people’s communication no matter by e-mails or through online chatting. Network English has come out from the virtual space into people’s real life, and affected the development and changes of English. With the popularity of network, English develops and changes quickly. The network will bring new ideas and things to people’s life thus new vocabulary and expression are created progressively at the paces of 500 words per year. 浅谈网络英语的特点与翻译策略:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_26022.html