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时间:2023-12-26 21:53来源:英语论文
The generalized network language includes three aspects: the first aspect refers to the noun which is related to computer and network technology。 Such as www(万维网) WAN(广域网)LAN(城域

The generalized network language includes three aspects: the first aspect refers to the noun which is related to computer and network technology。 Such as www(万维网) WAN(广域网)LAN(城域网) FTP(超文本传输协议) IP(网络传输协议), etc。; The second aspect is related to network culture phenomenon of nouns。 Such as human flesh search(人肉搜索), microblogging marketing(微博营销) and god reply(神回复)etc; The third aspect refers to the special terms used in network communication, such as dbase(数据库),online DJS(网络音乐主持人),page up(浏览网页向上翻), page down(浏览网页向下翻)。 And narrow sense network language belongs to the third。

In the aspect of form, the network language tends to be more symbolic; In the aspect of content, the network language tends to be completely-new; In terms of expression, the network language tends to colloquial and popular。

2。2 The appearance of network language

The number of native English speakers is less than mandarin Chinese and Spanish speakers, but English is the official languages in the most populous country on earth。 It has an international position that can not be ignored。 At the same time, English as a second language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, and foreign speaker accounted for a large proportion。 Further more, the use of English is related to computer, because a lot of programming languages are made with English。 And the range of English use and the crowd will also gradually expand。
