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时间:2018-06-29 11:17来源:英语论文
A Contrastive Study of Chinese Chivalrymanhood and American Cowboy Spirit from a Cross-cultural Perspective英语论文跨文化视角下中国侠士精神和美国牛仔精神的对比研究

摘 要语言和文化不可分离,学习语言而不了解与其密切相关的文化背景,便不能真正掌握和运用语言。本研究从跨文化的角度,比较牛仔精神和侠士精神的异同之处,研究两种精神的文化内涵, 讨论两种精神对现代社会的影响,指出它们分别以各种不同的形式发挥着作用。本研究能够使人们更好地了解文化根源,避免文化冲突,促进跨文化交际顺利的进行。24852
毕业论文关键词: 跨文化; 牛仔精神; 侠士精神
Language and culture cannot be separated, one can not grasp the language if he does not know the cultural background closely related to the language. This thesis makes a comparative study of Chinese chivalrymanhood and western cowboy spirit from the perspective of intercultural communication, aiming at comparing the two spirits, studying the inner cultural roots and discussing the influence of Chinese chivalrymanhood and cowboy spirit on modern Chinese and western societies. Therefore, people in China and western countries could avoid misunderstanding and conflicts, and finally promote the intercultural communication.
Key Words: interculture;cowboy spirit;Chinese chivalrymanhood
A Contrastive Study of Chinese Chivalrymanhood and American Cowboy Spirit from a Cross-cultural Perspective
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Similarities and Differences Between Chivalrymanhood and Cowboy Spirit    2
2.1 Similarities Between Chivalrymandhood and Cowboy    2
2.1.1 Bravery    2
2.1.2 Defence for the Weak    3
2.1.3 Generosity    3
2.2 Differences Between Chivalrymanhood and Cowboy    4
2.2.1 Belief in Justice vs Belief in Christianity    4
2.2.2 Faithfulness vs Loyalty    5
2.2.3 Cherishing the Friendship vs Respecting Women    5
III. The Cultural Origin of Chinese Chivalrymanhood and American Cowboy Spirit    6
3.1 Collectivism vs Inpidualism    6
3.2 High vs Low Power Distance    8
3.3 Masculinity vs Femininity    10
IV. The Influences of Chivalrymanhood and Cowboy Spirit on Modern Societies    11
4.1 The Influence of Cowboy Spirit on Modern Western Society    11
4.2 The Influence of Chivalrymanhood on Modern Chinese Society    13
V. Conclusion    14
Bibliography    16
Acknowledgements    17
I. Introduction

When we mention the United States, many images flash into our mind. The cowboy image must be among them. The appearance of cowboy culture is bound up to Westward Movement, also called the Trail of Tears, which occurred from the 18th to the 19th century. It refers to the westward migration activities and development of the western regions, as well as the processes of the development of American culture’s localization during the North American colonial period. This movement has a great influence on economy, politics and social life. In addition, nowadays the freedom and democracy of American personality has stemmed from it. So we can say, there would be no today’s America without cowboy or Westward Movement. The American spirit originated from cowboy spirit.
Except Buddhism and Confucianism, Chinese chivalrymanhood can be regarded as the third factor that influences Chinese greatly. Historical Records is the first document to describe the chivalrymanhood. The chivalrymanhood can be traced back to the period of Spring and Autumn. Three knight-errants and Five Righteous Persons, which was completed in Qing dynasty, is the first real meaning of chivalry novel that defines exactly what the chivalrymanhood is. That is, chivalrymen are able to adapt himself to any different circumstances, have strong social responsibility and help the victims when seeing the injustice. 跨文化视角下中国侠士精神和美国牛仔精神的对比研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_18480.html