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时间:2023-10-09 23:22来源:英语论文
Application of Body Language in English Classroom Teaching,英语论文体态语在英语课堂教学中的应用There are two channels of human communication: verbal communication and nonverbal communication

Abstract There are two channels of human communication: verbal communication and nonverbal communication。 Body language belongs to the category of nonverbal communication。 It is an important skill and art for teachers’ English teaching as well as a medium for communication between teachers and students。 This thesis starts with the definition of body language, explores its function and classification in English classroom teaching; then, it discusses the specific application of body language in English classroom teaching, and puts forward some constructive suggestions, so as to attract the attention of teachers to body language in class, and then use the body language to improve the effect of English teaching accurately, properly and naturally, including students’ communicative competence。85659

Keywords: body language; application; English classroom teaching

摘要 人类的交际有两种渠道:言语交际和非言语交际。体态语属非言语交际范畴。它是教师教学的重要技能,也是一门艺术,更是教师与学生交流的媒介。本文从体态语的定义、英语教学功能和分类着手,然后探讨其在英语课堂教学中的具体运用,提出建设性的建议,以期引起教师对体态语的重视, 进而能准确、适当、自然协调地运用体态语来提高英语教学效果和学生的交际能力。



1。 Introduction。。 。1

1。1 Current situation of English classroom teaching in China。。1 

1。2 Correlation between nonverbal communication and English 

classroom teaching。。1

2。 Literature Review。。。2

2。1 Definition of body language。。。。。。。。。。。。2

2。2 Functions of body language in English teaching。。。。。3

3。 Classification of Body 源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 Language in English Teaching。。。。。。。。5

3。1 Posture。5

3。2 Gestures。。。6

3。3 Facial expression。6

3。4 Eye contact。。7

3。5 Body distance。。7

4。 Application of Body Language in English Teaching。。。8

4。1 The necessity of body language in English teaching。。。。。。8

4。2 The specific application of body language。。。。11

5。 Suggestions on the Application of Body Language in English 

Classroom Teaching。。。。。。。。。13

5。1 Focus on the appropriate use of body language。。。。。13

5。2 Avoid the use of negative body language。。。。。。。13

5。3 Pay attention to students’ culture consciousness。。。。14

6。 Conclusion。。15

Works cited。。17

1。 Introduction 

1。1 Current situation of English classroom teaching in China

As we all know, English is a compulsory course in Chinese school。 It is necessary for all students who want to take an entrance examination。 As what is described in the English teaching outline, the primary target of English classroom teaching in Chinese school is to enhance students’ English communicative competence。 Nowadays, a lot of present linguists and scholars have the same idea that the students’ excellent communicative competence is an efficient means for their language acquisition。 And, almost all the English teachers admit that the main task of their teaching work is to cultivate students’ communicative competence in English, but it is easy to say than to do。    体态语在英语课堂教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_197284.html
