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时间:2023-09-20 22:23来源:英语论文
On Cultural Conflicts and Integration in The Joy Luck Club from the Mother-Daughter Relationship,英语论文从《喜福会》中的母女关系分析文化的冲突与互渗

On Cultural Conflicts and Integration in The Joy Luck Club from the Mother-Daughter Relationship

Abstract Literary works are often based on the specific experience of the author, so does Amy Tan。 It is her life experience as a Chinese American that makes her first work The Joy Luck Club great success。 Chinese Americans are a special group of people who are usually marginalized in America。 Unsatisfied with this situation, they try to get themselves noticed。 Chinese American literature shows not only Chinese culture and traditions, but also the life of Chinese Americans, especially the cultural collision in it。 90367

This thesis contains mainly two parts: conflicts and reconciliation between mothers and daughters in The Joy Luck Club。 Mothers in the novel represent Chinese culture and their daughters stand for American mainstream culture。 The conflicts between mothers and daughters are actually the conflicts between the cultures they represent respectively。 Both mothers and daughters are neither purely Chinese nor American, because to a large extent they have been influenced by each other’s culture。 So it is no wonder that they would be confused about their cultural identity as marginalized Chinese Americans。 At the end of the each story, they choose to be honest with each other and share their thoughts。 Through mutual understanding, they reconcile with each other which indicates that one culture may affect and be affected by other cultures。 Conflict is not the only result of culture interaction and being respectful and considerate to other cultures can promote harmonious coexistence。

Keywords: mother-daughter relationship, cultures, conflicts, reconciliation 


摘要 作家的创作从来都不是无水之源,他们的作品往往来自自身的经历。华裔女作家谭恩美基于个人经历写成的作品《喜福会》取得了重大成就。作为美国社会的一个特殊群体,华裔族群需要自己发声的途径,因此,华裔文学应运而生。华裔文学不仅向美国乃至世界人民展示了中国文化与传统,更为外国人眼里的中国人正名。包括《喜福会》在内的华裔文学作品展现了华裔在美国的生活以及在他们身上体现的中西文化的碰撞。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766




1。 Introduction 1

1。1 A Brief Introduction to The Joy Luck Club and Its Author Amy Tan 1

1。1。1 Introduction to The Joy Luck Club 1

1。1。2 Introduction to Amy Tan 3

1。2 Literary Review on The Joy Luck Club 3

2。 Cultural Conflicts 从《喜福会》中的母女关系分析文化的冲突与互渗:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_196280.html
