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时间:2023-08-30 21:29来源:英语论文
A Case Study of Grammatical Errors by Pre-service English Teachers:Based on the 9th Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students in Zhejiang Province,英语论文英语师范生教师话语的语法错误分析的个案研究

A Case Study of Grammatical Errors by Pre-service English Teachers-- Based on the 9th Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students in Zhejiang Province

Abstract  With the development of global integration, the communication between different countries has been intensified。 English, as an international language, plays an extremely important role in inter-cultural communication。 For most Chinese learners, learning English in classroom is the major way of studying。 Therefore, teacher discourse in English class is not only the important language input for English learners, but also the learning content for them。89955

This thesis intends to analyze the grammatical errors made by English education students, classify these errors and figure out the causes of them。 The data from this paper come from 16 clips of micro teachings in Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students in 2015。 The author transferred the teacher speech in these 16 clips of videos into transcripts。 The author linguistically judges and classifies grammatical errors。 Through analyzing those errors, the author makes a research on causes of these errors and proposes the solutions for education students about improving their teacher speech and laying a more concrete foundation for their teaching career。

Keywords: teacher talk; grammatical error; error analysis 


摘  要 随着全球一体化的发展,世界各国的交流越来越密切。英语,作为一门国际性语言,在跨文化交际中发挥着不可忽视的作用。对于中国的英语学习者,课堂环境的英语学习是最主要的学习方式。因此,英语教师的课堂话语,不仅是英语学习者的重要语言输入,而且是英语学习者的学习内容。

本文旨在研究英语师范生的教师话语的语法错误,对这些错误进行分类,并找出其犯错的原因。本文的文本数据来自于17节2015年浙江省师范生教师技能大赛中获一二三等奖的英语片段课。作者将这17节10分钟左右的片段教学视频中的教师话语转写成文字,将其中的语法错误进行语言学分类,找出优秀的参赛选手常犯的语法错误,通过分析这些常见的错误,找出原因和相应的策略,给师范生带来一丝启发,提高他们的教师话语,为以后的教师职业打下坚实的基础。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Motivation of the Study 1

1。2 Purpose and significance 1

2。 Literature Review 3

2。1 Classroom Discourse 3

2。2 Teacher Talk in Class 3

2。3 Error 4

2。4 Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students 4

3。 Theoretical Framework 6

3。1 Contrast Analysis 6

3。2 Error Analysis 6

3。2。1 History of Error Analysis 7

3。2。2 Definition of Error Analysis 7

3。2。3 Procedures of Error Analysis 8

3。2。4 Classifications of Error 8

4。 Methodology 11

4。1 Introduction: Teaching Skill Contest of Education Students 英语师范生教师话语的语法错误分析的个案研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_195674.html
