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时间:2023-05-15 23:11来源:英语论文
Chapter 3 serves as the major part of this paper, which demonstrates concrete details on applying STM to English grammar teaching in junior middle schools。 Through using different research methods l

Chapter 3 serves as the major part of this paper, which demonstrates concrete details on applying STM to English grammar teaching in junior middle schools。 Through using different research methods like questionnaire, teaching video analysis, grammar test, and class experiment to prove that STM is practical and effective in English grammar teaching。 

Chapter 4 mainly analyzes the results of the research。 

Chapter 5 concludes the findings and then gives limitations and some suggestions about grammar teaching under STM。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 An Overview of Grammar Teaching

2。1。1 The Definition of Grammar

According to Wikipedia, in linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language。 The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics。 

Grammar has also been defined from different views by different linguistic scholars。 Lyons (1971) defined grammar as the branch of description of languages which explains the way that words combine into sentences。 And Boston (1994) argued that grammar is not merely formal network, but a communicative device that is functional motivated。 The most comprehensive definition of grammar was stated by Larsen-Freeman。 She regarded grammar as a higher order notion which has three aspects in the related dimensions: form, meaning and use。 And her notion attempted to combine three aspects of linguistics: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics。论文网

From the above definitions, we can clearly know that grammar is not only a system of rules but also has its meaning and use。 For this reason, grammar teaching should concentrate on the form, the meaning as well as the use。

2。1。2 The Importance and Necessity of Grammar Teaching

Inevitably, we have the need for communication in our daily life, no matter whether we communicate by speaking or writing, grammar is always in our minds。 We have to know how to put sounds together to make meaningful sounds and how to put words and phrases together to make smooth sentences。 

The importance and necessity of grammar teaching is well reflected in the relationship between grammar and the four major skills of a language, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing。 Ur gives a brief summary of the respects of the teaching/ learning of language structures in terms of the following four skills: 

Table 2。1。2 Aspects of the Teaching/Learning of Structures (1988:6)

From the above table, we can come to the conclusion that the four skills of a language cannot be separated from grammar structures。 In the meantime, in the process of developing the four language skills, learners can gradually discover the principles of the language internalize them and master the language in the end。 Just as Stern (1992:144) argues: Grammar teaching, positively looked at, helps learners to become skilled in recognizing, analyzing and eventually mastering these elusive structural features which are essential aspects of proficiency。 Therefore, grammar teaching is not out of fashion, but should be attached great importance。文献综述

2。2 An Overview of Situational Teaching Method

2。2。1 Concept and Development of STM 

  Situational Teaching Method has been known as spoken method when it just appeared in foreign countries and it was very popular in the 1950s in England。 As time went by, the word “situation” was adopted。 According to the idea of Pittman (1963), “situation” refers a demonstration of using examples, objects, images, sign body languages and other teaching aids。 Almost one hundred years ago, teachers have been applying situation in teaching foreign language。 It is a language teaching method which aims at combining situation and language learning。 Both language teaching and learning can be preceded in situation, which makes language learning much more effective and easier。  情景教学法在初中英语语法教学中的案例研究(4):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_167768.html
