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时间:2023-04-30 21:22来源:英语论文





1  Introduction 1

1。1  Background and Objective of the Study 1

1。2  Methodology and Structure of the Study 2

1。3  Literature Review 2

1。3。1 Research on 源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 News Discourse 2

1。3。2 Research on CDA 3

2  Theoretical Foundation 6

2。1  Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework 6

2。2  Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Grammar 7

2。2。1 Ideational function 7

2。2。2 Interpersonal function 8

2。2。3 Textual function 9

3  Critical Analysis of the News Text 11

3。1  Background of News Data 11

3。2  Data Collection 11

3。3 Critical Analysis of the Text 12

3。3。1  Description 12

3。3。2  Interpretation 16

3。3。3  Explanation 19

4  Conclusion 23

4。1 Findings 23

4。2 Limitations and Suggestions 24

References 25

Appendix 26

1 Introduction

1。1  Background and Objective of the Study

Nowadays, Critical Discourse Analysis is used in various ways in relevant literature。 As a branch of linguistics, CDA stemmed from Frankfurt school’s critical theory。 It was firstly fully illustrated in Halliday’s systemic-functional linguistics and provided critics with an analyzing method to view discourses critically。 Based on the achievements in linguistics, sociology, psychology and mass communication, CDA aims to unveil the influence of ideology on discourses, the reaction of discourses on ideology, and how ideology and discourses originate from social structure and power relationship and how they serve different power groups。 Just as Fowler (1979) pointed out that news can never be real reflections of the world, but largely something called “opinion”。 

The famous journalist Lippmann also put forward a great idea in Public Opinion (1922) that pertinent facts, as a fraction of the whole, are never provided completely and accurately in news reports。 Instead, they are often arranged to portray a certain, subjective interpretation of an event。 Often, those who know the "real" (true) environment construct a favorable, fictitious pseudo-environment in the public mind to meet their private needs。 This enlightening theory supported Fowler’s view from a journalistic perspective。 从批判性话语分析角度看美国总统辩论新闻报道(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_163428.html
