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时间:2023-04-18 22:20来源:英语论文
A Study on the Effectiveness of Interaction in Intercultural Communication —Take the film A Grandson from America as an Example ,英语论文《孙子从美国来》跨文化交际中沟通的有效性

A Study on the Effectiveness of Interaction in Intercultural Communication  ——Take the film A Grandson from America as an Example

Abstract Intercultural communication is now frequently happening worldwide, which contributes to the development of the world in various aspects。 However, conflicts between cultures often arise from cultural differences, ethnic prejudice and different religious beliefs。 Fortunately, these problems are avoidable, as long as we enhance mutual understanding and communicate effectively with people from an unfamiliar culture。 88422

This thesis mainly focuses on the ways for people to achieve effective communication with strangers in an intercultural environment, with the help of Gudykunst’s anxiety/uncertainty management theory (AUM)。 The film A Grandson from America is taken as a vivid and informative sample to study intercultural communication, for the issues this movie presents are common in real life, and some solutions in it are also advisable for people to achieve effective communication with strangers。 

By choosing the perspective of major characters, especially of the Chinese one, and analyzing their failed and successful attempts of intercultural communication related to language, education conceptions and cultural identity, I try to discover what cause the abnormal amount of anxiety and uncertainty leading to failed communication and how to use “mindfulness” as a strategy to cope with anxiety first, and then solve language barrier and other practical problems。 In this way interlocutors could manage anxiety and uncertainty and make communication more effective。 Finally, some suggestions are given according to my analysis for interlocutors involved in intercultural communication to prevent or eliminate conflicts。

Keywords: intercultural conflicts; effective communication;AUM theory,mindfulness 


摘  要跨文化交际行为在当今世界已越来越普遍。这一趋势在很多方面促进了世界的发展和进步,然而文化间的矛盾与冲突却也时常发生。这些冲突主要源于文化间的差异,种族偏见,宗教信仰等一系列原因。但这些问题却是可以避免的, 只要我们首先做到增进相互的理解并与来自异文化的交流者达成有效的沟通。

本文立足于谷蒂孔斯特的焦虑/不确定性管理理论,着重讨论交际者如何在跨文化语境中与陌生人达成有效沟通。本文以电影《孙子从美国来》作为样本进行案例分析,因为该作品中所展现的跨文化交际问题在现实生活中也时有发生,并且影片中所提供的方法对于人们达成与陌生人的有效交流也有一定的借鉴意义。源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766


毕业论文关键词:跨文化冲突; 跨文化交际; 焦虑/不确定性管理理论;留心


1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Researching Background and Significance 1

1。2 Literature Review 2

1。2。1 Researches Related to the Practice of AUM theory 2

1。2。2 Film-Related Researches about Intercultural Communication 《孙子从美国来》跨文化交际中沟通的有效性:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_160544.html
