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时间:2023-04-15 14:51来源:英语论文
Translating Vocabulary: A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of "Of Studies" from the Perspective of Translators' Views on Translation,英语论文译者翻译观的角度比较《谈读书》两个中文译本中词汇的翻译

Translating Vocabulary: A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of "Of Studies" from the Perspective of Translators' Views on Translation

Abstract  The Essays, written by the philosopher, statesman and jurist Francis Bacon, are written in a wide range of styles, from the plain and unadorned to the epigrammatic。 They cover topics chosen from both public and private life from various angles。 “Of studies” is one of the most popular ones that impress people with its concision and aphorism, in which Bacon elaborated the value of reading, writing and learning through masses of parallel structures。 This paper aims to compare the methods the two translators, Wang Zuoliang and Cao Minglun adopt to deal with the words in translating “Of Studies” by Francis Bacon from four aspects: verbs; nouns; adjectives and adverbs; culture-loaded words。 And try to analyze the differences from the perspective of translators’ views on translation for a further understanding of how the theories the translators hold influence their way of translating and give readers a new train of thought to not only compare, but try to clarify the reasons as I believe that knowing more about the translators will help to get us more understanding their works。 In addition, it can help readers learn to analyze their own translation work thoroughly and discover their weaknesses so as to improve their translating skills。 88372

Keywords: “Of Studies”; views on translation; Wang Zuoliang; Cao Minglun


摘  要《培根随笔》由英国哲学家、作家和科学家弗朗西斯·培根所著,文章风格多变,既有平淡朴实又有警言隽语。这些散文囊括政治、经济、宗教、爱情、婚姻、友谊、艺术、教育和伦理等方方面面,且文笔优美,说理透彻,警句迭出,深受各国读者喜爱。《谈读书》则是其中流传最广的文章之一。其以简洁深刻的语言论述了读书的价值,多用对仗、排比句式,气势磅礴、发人深省。 而这篇文章的中文译本也层出不穷,本文试从四个方面——动词;名词;形容词及副词;文化负载词——分析比较两名译者:王佐良和曹明伦翻译《谈读书》这篇文章的词汇时采用的方法,并试图从译者翻译观的角度解释这种差别,阐释译者翻译观对其翻译手段的影响,以期给读者提供一种新思路——在比较不同版本译本时,不止要找出其差异,更要分析导致这种差异的原因。而对译者的了解可以帮助我们增进对其翻译方法的了解,同时以之为镜,分析发现自身不足,从而不断提升自身翻译水平。 

毕业论文关键词:《谈读书》;翻译观;词汇翻译;王佐良;曹明伦 源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 Review of Research on the Two Versions of "Of Studies” 2

2。1。1 Wang Zuoliang’s Version 2

2。1。2 Cao Minglun’s Version 2

2。2 Review of Translators’ Views on Translation 3

2。2。1 Wang Zuoliang’s Views on Translation 3

2。2。2 Cao Minglun’s Views on Translation 4

3。 Comparisons of the Translations of Words 5

3。1 Verbs 5

3。2 Nouns 5

3。3 Adjectives and Adverbs 译者翻译观的角度比较《谈读书》两个中文译本中词汇的翻译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_159949.html
