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时间:2018-05-03 21:45来源:英语论文
The Awakening of the Lost Generation the Analysis of Hemingway’s Work The Sun Also Rises英语论文海明威《太阳照常升起》的评析迷惘一代的觉醒

Abstract“The Lost Generation” emerges after World War I. It indicates the writers who have the same illusion, write novels with the same subject. Hemingway, as one of the most influential writers, sets “The Lost Generation” as the foreword to his first novel The Sun Also Rises. With the success of the novel, the word “the Lost Generation” is defined as the most accurate description of the generation.
The Sun Also Rises portrays the group of women and men who were a group of wandering, amusing and aimless people. Their traditional values of love and faith were shattered by the war. The battle robbed Jake of his dignity as a man. Brett was the war victim and she no longer believed in traditional values of love, duty and truth because her husband died in the war, and her family was inevitable broken into pieces. However, what Hemingway wants to convey is not their aimlessness or lost. He wants to predict the constant pursuit of truth and life. Hemingway’s work can inspire reader’s emotion, arouse their dignity as a man, encourage them to face reality, tell them the values of fighting and help them to take up their social responsibilities. Through the analysis of the characters’ lost and awakening in the novel, the paper shows the real intention that The Lost Generation is not really lost, they are the cornerstones on the twentieth century. Moreover, the paper also illustrates the practical significance from the influence of the unique language and the Iceberg-Principle writing style to thoroughly understand the awakening of “The Lost generation”.
The paper falls into five parts. Chapter one introduces the background of the Lost Generation. Chapter two introduces the author Hemingway in the Lost Generation. Chapter three is detailed and objective analysis of the characters’ lost. Chapter four predicts the characters’ awakening. Chapter five mainly concludes the influence of awakening of the Lost Generation.
Key Words: The Lost Generation, Hemingway, Lost, Awakening
摘要 “迷惘的一代”出现于第一次世界大战后的20世纪20年代,是一些带有相同的迷惘情绪、相同主题和近似写作手法进行写作的一群作家的总称。海明威作为美国文学史上最具影响力的作家把“迷惘的一代”作为他第一部长篇小说《太阳照常升起》的题词,随着小说的成功,“迷惘的一代” 被定义为那个时代最准确的代名词。《太阳照常升起》描写了一群战后的年轻人,他们漫无目的,四处飘荡,战争摧毁了他们爱与信念的传统价值观。杰克作为文中的主人公在战争中失去了性能力,被剥夺了作为一个男人的尊严。布莱特也是这张战争的牺牲品,她的丈夫在战争中阵亡,家庭支离破碎。然而,无论是现实中的“迷惘的一代”还是海明威在作品中想要表达的并不是书中人物局限于迷惘情绪里的漫无目的。海明威所要表达的是他们在人生的战场上不断顽强的奋战以及对生活的追求。海明威的作品能激荡人们的情感,唤醒人们做人的尊严和直面生活的勇气,让人们懂得抗争的价值,勇敢地担当起社会的责任。通过对文中人物迷惘与觉醒的分析,我们可以知道迷惘的一代并不是真正的迷惘,相反是20世纪的基石。此外,本文还阐述了独特语言及冰山原则以更全面地了解迷惘一代的觉醒。22182
关键词:迷惘的一代,海明威,迷失, 觉醒
Acknowledgementsi 海明威《太阳照常升起》的评析迷惘一代的觉醒:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_14691.html