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时间:2018-03-14 20:34来源:英语论文
On Strategies of English Classroom Interaction in Middle Schools中学英语课堂交流策略研究

摘 要语言课程是一个需要实践的科目,很好的课堂交流与互动是学生练习英语的最好的机会。也就是说,在教学过程中,好的师生关系和舒适的互动环境对于英语学习者是很有用的。但是目前的语言教学与这个目标相差甚远,课堂互动不是很理想。在本论文中,通过调查走访中学师生以及查阅资料,作者将剖析中学英语课堂交流互动较少的现状以及其成因,做出一系列的归因总结,并针对老师怎样推动有效的英语课堂互动给出有效的交流策略,如激起学生的学习热情,给学生提供用英语交流的机会,有趣的课堂导入等等。19627
Language course is a course which is more practical, so good classroom interaction is the best opportunity for students to practice using language, that is to say, a good teacher-learner relationship and a comfortable interactive environment are helpful to the language learning in the process of teaching. However, the present language teaching is far from realizing this goal and the effect of classroom interaction is not so ideal. In this essay, the author first puts forward the present situation of English classroom interaction in middle schools. Then, she analyzes the causes of the present situation. After that she offers some strategies for the English teacher to promote the classroom interaction in Middle schools, such as stimulating students’ motivation, providing opportunities for students to interact in English, curiosity leading strategies and so on.
Key words:English classroom teaching; classroom interaction; strategies
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Present Situation of English Classroom Interaction in Middle Schools    2
2.1 Aimless Class Interaction    2
2.2 Teacher-centered Classroom    3
2.3 The Disordered Classroom Interaction    3
III. Analysis of the Causes of the Present Situation    4
3.1 Lack of Interest in English    4
3.2 Lack of Practice and Classroom Atmosphere    5
IV. Strategies for English Teachers to Promote Classroom Interaction    6
4.1 Stimulating Students’ Motivation    6
4.2 Providing Opportunities for Students to Interact in English    7
4.3 Curiosity Leading Strategies    8
4.4 Cooperation Strategies in English Class    9
4.5 Questioning Strategies    10
4.6 Resource-utilizing Strategies    11
V. Conclusion    12
Bibliography    14
Acknowledgements    15
On Strategies of English Classroom Interaction in Middle Schools

I. Introduction

With the development of our society, China is in urgent need of many different kinds of professionals with a superior level of English language proficiency. English as an important international language has gained increasing attention from Chinese educational institutions of different levels over more than two decades. So how to let the students learn English well is to become more and more important in our country at present. As an English teacher, it is very important to teach English very well, and to make students learn English effectively. English teachers should have more abilities and skills. As far as most of Chinese students are concerned, classroom learning is still the main channel for them to receive language input, so how to improve classroom teaching quality becomes so important. However, many middle school students show no interest in English. They lack interaction in their class. Their teacher can talk by her or himself a whole class with no interaction to her or his students. 中学英语课堂交流策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_11065.html