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时间:2022-03-12 21:45来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:  醋酸粗制;PID;牛顿模块;组态王

Crude acetic acid workshop section based on kingview control system design

Abstract: The graduation project of acetic acid preparation process control system based on Kingview studied and designed and focused on the rough section of acetic acid control, and describes the basic requirements of acetic acid production process and control, then computer modules and Newton crude acetic acid process control system。 Newton module outputs measurement signal acquisition and control signals, computer and Newton passed through the communication of information between modules。 

The graduation research and design a rough section of acetic acid temperature control algorithm design。 Complete temperature control system of acetic acid in a rough section of the corresponding function, to show the process of crude acetic acid workshop section control system, and able to complete simple projects to control and display the curve。 Graduation design of the Kingview software based on Kingview and use, based on PID algorithm to control rough section of acetic acid reaction, so as to achieve complete run of crude acetic acid process control system。

Keywords:  Crude acetic acid;PID;Nudam module;Kingview

目  录

1  绪论 1

1。1  课题的目的和意义 1

1。2  醋酸概述 1

1。3  醋酸生产工艺的演变 2

1。4  国内外研究现状和水平 3

1。5  发展趋势 3

1。6  调研情况 4

2  工艺介绍 6

2。1  甲醇低压羰基化法 6

2。2  生产流程图 7

2。3  生产设备介绍 8

3  组态王软件 9

3。1  软件介绍 9

3。2  整体结构 9

3。3  软件优点 11

3。4  组态王设计步骤 11

4  控制系统 12

4。1  单回路控制方案 12

5  系统硬件选型 14

5。1  牛顿模块 14

5。1。1  开关量输入模块I-7050 14

5。1。2  开关量输出模块I-7067 14

5。1。3  模拟量采集模块I-7017 PID组态王的醋酸粗制工段控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/yanjiu/lunwen_90974.html
