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时间:2022-07-04 22:57来源:毕业论文

摘要 当今海洋工程向深海恶劣海域发展,人们对深海环境的认识日益提高。在恶 劣海浪作用下,可能会产生严重的流体强非线性冲击现象,这些都对海洋浮式结 构及其正常作业产生巨大的影响。如何预报海洋环境中的水动力系数,而传统的 势流理论有一定的局限性,很难考虑粘性和非线性的带来的影响,本文根据时域 方法和粘流理论,通过不可压缩流体的连续方程、N-S 方程以及结构动力学方 程,运用软件的二次开发功能,建造粘性数值波浪水池,就强非线性波的生成和 其与海洋浮式结构物的相互作用问题展开了如下研究工作: 81943

(1)通过分析国内外关于畸形波事件的报道,总结畸形波的生成机理及研 究进展。 

(2)基于水动力学理论和结构动力学理论,建立波浪与结构物相互作用的 流固耦合的数学模型,包括流体控制方程,结构控制方程,以及自由液面,壁面 边界条件、流固界面和无限远处的边界条件,并详细阐述其求解方法。 

(3)运用仿物理推板造波,利用 Fluent15。0,以程序接口加载 UDF 程序进行 二次开发,建造拥有造波、消波功能的数值波浪水池。 

(4)用 JONSWAP 谱描述随机波浪特性,通过 MATLAB 数值计算有效的目 标频谱范围,用均匀分布的方式产生目标频谱范围内的若干余弦波的随机频率。 借助波浪理论和波能聚焦方法,将产生的随机群信号以及相位干涉信号通过 UDF 程序传递给推板,实现在指定地点、指定时间点生成畸形波。 

(5)借助 CFD 技术,在数值波浪水池中建立畸形波与浮式结构物相互作用 的数值模型,模拟了系列工况下,畸形波与浮体的耦合运动响应及动力响应,并 与已有文献中的典型算例进行对比,验证本文提出的数值模型方法的可行性及模 拟所得数据的可靠性。 

毕业论文关键词:畸形波;仿物理推板造波;数值模型;波能聚焦;运动响 应 

Abstract The development of ocean engineering into the deep understanding of the harsh sea, deep-sea environment increasing。 In the harsh sea waves, may have a serious impact on fluid nonlinear phenomenon, which has a great influence on the marine floating structure and its normal operation。 The hydrodynamic coefficients to forecast in the marine environment, and limited some of the traditional potential flow theory, it is difficult to consider the viscous and nonlinear effects, according to the time domain method and viscous flow theory, the continuity equation of incompressible fluid, N-S equation and structural dynamic equation, using the two software development, the construction of viscous numerical wave tank, will generate strong nonlinear wave and its interaction with floating structures of research work carried out as follows:

(1)Through the analysis of the domestic and foreign reports about freak wave events, the formation mechanism and research progress of freak wave are summarized。

(2)Based on the hydrodynamic theory and the theory of structural dynamics, the establishment of the structure and wave mutual flow solid coupling mathematical model including fluid control equations, structural control equations, and the free surface, the wall boundary condition flow solid interface and the infinite boundary conditions, and a detailed explanation of the method to solve the problem。

(3)The use of simulation of the physical push plate wave, the use of Fluent15。0, the program interface to load the UDF program for the two development, the construction of a wave, wave dissipation function of the numerical wave tank。

(4)JONSWAP spectrum characterization of random wave, the effective spectral range of the target by using MATLAB numerical calculation, the number of cosine wave range of the target spectrum random frequency produced by uniformly distributed。 With the help of the theory of waves and wave energy focusing method, will produce the random signal, and a phase interference signal through the UDF program to transfer to push plate, in designated locations, a specified point in time generate freak waves 。 Fluent畸形波与结构的相互作用分析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_95991.html
