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时间:2021-10-21 21:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The concept map is a graphic, which can show the concept of the propositional network and its relevance, and clearly demonstrates the nature of meaning construction。 According to the understanding, knowledge in the human brain is stored in a layer by a layer, which is similar to the concept map showing the meaning of the proposition and the form of the relationship。 As a kind of effective teaching strategy, the concept map is applied to senior high school physics teaching, and can promote teachers' teaching and students' learning。 In this paper it is discussed that the application of concept map has advantage in high school physics teachers' teaching and students' learning。 The application of concept map in Physics Teaching in senior high school is studied。 Using the computer software, we have drawn all kinds of concept map in Physics Teaching。 We have projected the teaching case of "elastic" in physics mechanics teaching in senior high school。 The method of concept map’s applying in the teaching of physics and mechanics is studied。

Keywords: concept map, high school physics, mechanics, teaching


1 前言 3

2 概念图的概念及其种类 3

2。1 概念图的概念 3

2。2 概念图的种类 3

3 概念图的应用在高中物理教与学的优势 5

3。1 教的优势 5

3。2 学的优势 6

4 概念图在高中物理教学中各个环节的应用 6

4。1 概念图在备课环节的应用 7

4。2 概念图在新课教学环节的应用 9

4。3 概念图在力学复习环节的应用 13

5 概念图在高中物理“弹力”教学案例研究 13

5。1 “弹力”教学设计思路分析 13

5。2 “弹力”教学设计方案 17

结论 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

1 前言

物理是一门以自然科学为基础的学科,物理来源于生活而更高于生活。高中物理知识相对于初中物理比较抽象,而且高中物理重在对学生逻辑思维的培养,因此学生对于高中物理知识的整理以及对知识的应用是非常重要的。这就要求教师在高中物理教学当中,尤其是力学教学当中,设计并应用概念图是非常重要的,并且应用概念图对于教师的教和学生的学有着很多的优势,其中最为明显的优势是可以体现“学生为主体,教师为主导”的新教育理念。由此概念图不仅仅是一种教学的工具,还是学生学习的工具,但目前应用概念图设计完整的高中物理教学案例不多。因此,对概念图在高中物理力学教学中的应用的研究是很有必要的。论文网 概念图在高中物理力学教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_83304.html
