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时间:2021-10-12 20:12来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:赝能隙; 费米弧; 双向电荷密度波; 光电导特性

AbstractAfter the discovery of high temperature superconductors, a lot of researches have been concentrated on the superconducting energy gap of cuprate high temperature superconductors in the field of physics。 During those years, abundant new discoveries have been documented, and the discovery of pseudogap state is the most attractive one among them。 While pseudogap is similar with low temperature surperconducting energy gap in many aspects, the state is essentially non-superconducting and its transition temperature is far greater than the surperconducting transition temperature。 These unusual properties made the pseudogap a close kin to the superconductivity, and thus,the pseudogap state became the most important object of study in the superconducting field。 Nevertheless, the microscopic mechanism of pseudogap state is still a mystery ever since。 In the light of this unsolved forefront research subject, we calculated the spectral weight in the framework of bi-directional charge density wave  (CDW) state, one possible candidate for pseudogap, and discussed the relationship between scattering potential and the Fermi surface。 Meanwhile, we also calculated the optical conductivity and analyzed the effect of scattering potential on the optical conductivity。 We hope this work will provide some meaningful references for a better understanding of the pseudogap state in the cuprate high temperature superconductors。。

Keywords: pseudogap;Fermi arc;bi-directional CDW;optical property 

目  录

摘  要 2

关键字:赝能隙; 费米弧; 双向电荷密度波; 光电导特性 2

Abstract 2 Keywords: pseudogap;Fermi arc;bi-directional CDW;optical property 2

目   录 3

一。引言 4

二.原理与方法 5

1。赝能隙的费米面模型 5

2。 光电导理论计算 6

三.结论总结 7

1。数据分析 7

2。综述 11

致谢 12

参考文献 12


赝能隙是一种特殊的能隙,最早被发现于高温铜氧化物超导体中。这类超导体起始于1986年发现的镧钡铜氧超导体,随后一系列的铜氧化物高温超导体被陆续发现,这类超导体由于其具有较高的超导转变温度,因而被称为高温超导。铜氧化物高温超导体的发现吸引了凝聚态物理领域的广泛关注,部分科研团队并将注意力集中到了高温铜氧化物超导体能隙的探究上。随着实验推进,二十世纪九十年代,各科研小组陆续观察到空穴掺杂型高温铜氧化物超导体在温度高于Tc(超导转变温度)时,本应该消失的能隙仍然存在,此时的能隙与低温超导能隙有着很大相似,拥有更高的转变温度T*,可惜的是超导特性并未得到延续。因此,人们将其命名为赝能隙[1-2]。下图1给出的是赝能隙在铜氧化物高温超导体相图上的位置示意图。1998年2月19至24日,首届超导与相关材料新理论、新发现和新应用国际学术会议(所谓的New3SC-1)在美国路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日市盛大举行,此次会议上总结、发表了当时超导领域的最新进展、成果,并正式确认了赝能隙的存在[3]。 高温超导赝能隙的唯象研究赝能隙的光电导特性研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_82876.html
