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时间:2021-08-18 19:49来源:毕业论文

摘 要科学实验在科学教学中起着重要的积极作用,同时,也是启发学生探索新知识和新智慧的一种重要方法,科学实验更能体现教学的探究性特征。鉴于科学实验具有更能体现教学的探究性的特质,本文对其教学研究深入的综述,并对当前科学实验教学问题的解决方法进行了思考。本文可分为四个部分:71029






Abstract Scientific experiment plays an important role in science teaching. At the same time, it is also an important way to inspire students to explore new knowledge and new wisdom. In view of scientific experiments, it can reflect the characteristics of teaching, this paper makes a thorough review of its teaching research, and makes some reflections on the solution to the problems of current scientific experiment teaching. This paper can be pided into four parts:

The first part introduces the background of the topic and the significance of this research.

The second part introduces the history and development of science education. And the contemporary Chinese science experiment teaching in the countryside and in the city, the domestic and foreign scientific experiment teaching present situation has carried on the contrast.

In the third part, the difficulties and solutions in the development of scientific experiment teaching are summarized.

In the fourth part, the paper expounds the function, design, selection, improvement and innovation of scientific experiment.


Key words: junior high school science experiment; inquiry teaching; case

目  录

摘 要 II

第一章 引言 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.1.1科学实验更体现探究性特质的教学研究现状 2

1.1.2初中科学实验在科学学科中的地位与作用 2

1.2 研究意义 3

1.2.1 实施素质教育的需要 3

1.2.2 改变教学现状的需要 4

1.2.3 对科学学科教学具有重要意义 4

1.3 与研究相关的理论综述 5

1.3.1研究中新的核心概念界定 5

1.3.2 探究性特质的教学的理论基础及评判标准 5

第二章 初中科学实验教学的历史进程 7

2.1 中国科学教育的历史回顾 7

2.1.1 中国古代的科学教育 7

2.1.2 中国近代的科学教育 7

2.2 初中科学实验教学的发展 8

2.2.1 当代中国农村与城市初中科学实验教学对比 8

2.2.2 当代国内外初中科学实验教学的对比 10

第三章 初中科学实验教学中存在的问题和解决方法 初中科学实验更体现探究性特质的教学研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_80575.html
