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时间:2021-06-06 22:37来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  轧钢  轧机刚度  轧辊  压靠


Title   1422-F5 mill pressed against the stiffness of the theoretical  and numerical                                                


In the modern era of rapid development steel occupied a very high position.With the various departments of the variety and quality of steel required to improve,the requirements are getting higher and higher rolling。In the rolling process,mill stiffness plays a very important role.If the use of the mill rigidity is not so high then,well, you are rolling out products that will arise from the ideal value of large deviation to reach the required accuracy.In the rolling process,it is generated by the deformation resistance of the rack to pass through the rolls.In this series of the force components,do a good job on these parts of the research is very necessary. This article is based on the idea of the finite element is pressed against the stiffness of the mill to do some calculation and analysis.


Keywords   Rolling   Mill stiffness   Roll  Pressed against

目  次

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题来源及研究背景 1

1.3 本文的主要工作 2

2 四辊精轧机的概述 3

2.1 四辊精轧机的发展 3

2.2 四辊精轧机的结构 4

2.3 1422mm精轧机组工作辊 13

2.4 轧机的刚度 13

2.4.1轧机刚度的概念 13

2.4.2 轧机刚度的测定 13

3 论文所涉及的软件 15

3.1 ANSYS技术 15

3.1.1 ansys的概念 15

3.1.2 ansys的结构 15

3.1.3 ansys的功能 15

3.2  hypermesh技术 16

3.2.1 hypermesh的概念 16

3.2.2 hypermesh的特点 17

3.3  proe技术 17

3.2.1 proe的概念 1422-F5轧机压靠刚度的理论和数值计算:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_76393.html
