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时间:2021-05-19 21:10来源:毕业论文


关键词 石墨烯超晶胞  缺陷态 能带带隙 空位缺陷 第一性原理


Title   Defect states control the band gap of graphite       


In order to apply the graphene into the practical electronic device, it’s important to find a feasible way to open the band gap of graphene. This paper studies the graphene supercells, which have fifty carbon atoms, that is in the eigenstate and others are in many kinds of defect states by the density functional theory (DFT) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) under the First-principles. The result shows that single vacancy and double vacancy defect states could both open the band gap of graphene efficiently, and generate the new bands near the Fermi level which is occupied by defect states. The single vacancy, opposite-double-vacancy and Adjacent-double-vacancy defect states could increase the band gap from 0eV—the band gap of eigenstate graphene supercell—to 0.224eV, 0.357eV and 0.577eV respectively. Therefore, adjacent-double-vacancy defect state is the most efficient way to open the band gap of graphene.

Keywords graphene supercell, defect states, band gap, vacancy defect,


目   次

1 引言 1

1.1 石墨烯的发现 1

1.2 石墨烯的制备方法 2

1.3 石墨烯的结构特征和电学性质 4

1.4 石墨烯的潜在应用 6

2 理论方法简介 7

2.1 第一性原理 7

2.2 密度泛函理论 8

2.2.1 密度泛函理论 8

2.2.2 交换相关泛函 8 局域自旋密度近似(LSDA) 8 广义梯度近似(GGA) 9

2.3 密度泛函理论的优势和应用 9

2.4 所使用的软件介绍 10

3  缺陷对石墨烯能带的影响 10

3.1 研究动机 10

3.2 计算的具体过程与分析 10

3.2.1创建模型 10

3.2.2进行几何优化 11

3.2.3计算能带结构和态密度 12

结论 18

致  谢 19

参 考 文 献 20

1 引言

电子学诞生至今的100多年的历史,但其影响之大,发展之快,是其它学科所不能比拟的。但是,随着社会的飞速发展与人们生活水平的不断提髙,电子设备的小型化、智能化、集成化和电子信息的高密度存储以及超快传输的要求越来越高,对材料尺寸的要求同样越来越小。而传统的以硅为基础的微电子器件的加工工艺都是釆用自上而下的模式,按照Gordon Moore[1]提出的约每18个月单位面积芯片上的晶体管的数量增加一倍的规律向前发展。按照Moore定律,现行的微电子加工工艺会在几年后接近发展极限,当器件尺寸缩小到一定的程度时,传统半导体加工工艺就将不再适用。 缺陷态对石墨烯能隙的调控:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_75211.html
