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时间:2021-04-13 22:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   压电效应  热比拟方法  模态分析 谐响应分析 瞬态分析


Title    The dynamic modeling and simulation of piezoelectric actuator                    


The piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers and piezoelectric actuators based on the piezoelectric effect and materials have wide applications in the field of science and technology as well as material science. However, some drawbacks and problems are still remaining unresolved in the aspect of cost design, and product design cycle. The study of material itself can improve the understanding of the devices like piezoelectric actuators which use piezoelectric material as its main material, further providing a reference for product process design. This paper carried out a modal analysis on the ultrasonic transducer using the finite element software ANSYS,  built finite element model of the transducer system where voltage excitation was applied using the method of thermal analogy, then dealt with the model with harmonic response analysis. And the transient response of the piezoelectric cantilever beam structure is then calculated by coupling field analysis of the ansys. Simulation results showed that it corresponded with actual data and scientific statistics, which clarified that thermal analogy method is an effective and practical modeling method for complex piezoelectric structures.

Keywords  piezoelectric effect   thermal-analogy method  modal analysis  harmonic response analysis  transient analysis

目   录

1绪论… 2

1.1本课题的目的及研究意义 2

1.2本课题的国内外研究现状 2

2  超声换能器和压电材料 3

2.1超声换能器简介  3

2.2压电材料简介  4

2. 3隐式软件处理研究对象的缺陷   6

3有限元软件ANSYS  7

3.1ANSYS简介… 7

3.2有限元理论概述… 7

3.3ANSYS显式算法分析模块ANSYS/LS-DYNA… 8

3.4ANSYS一般分析步骤… 8

4热比拟法… 9

4.1理论背景… 9

4. 2热比拟法的数学推导… 9

4.2.1压电本构方程… 9

  4.2.2热弹性本构方程… 10

4.2.3压电-热弹性比拟… 10


5.1超声换能器的模态分析… 11

5.2超声换能器的谐响应分析… 17

6. 长度伸缩型压电致动器的建模与瞬态响应计算…19

结论 … 27

致谢 … 28


1 绪论


  随着现代科学技术的发展,压电材料以及以压电材料为基础的科学仪器以及工程器件在机电领域逐渐得到了广泛的应用。如压电/电致伸缩陶瓷微位移器具有体积小、输出力大、分辨力高、反应速度快、不受电磁干扰等优点,应用较多。压电驱动器控制的开关阀具有极快的响应速度和极强的可控性使更加柔性的控制成为可能,能达到多次喷射和更加先进的喷射曲线控制,逐步取代了传统的电磁式喷油器。叠层型压电驱动器可以直接用于微位移驱动,其驱动力大,驱动位移小,可以设计位移放大机构来放大叠层型压电驱动器的位移,用于驱动喷油器的开关阀。微纳米压电精密驱动系统定位精度可达1-10nm,由于具有控制精度高、不受电磁干扰、功耗低、可在低温、真空和超净等特殊环境下工作的特点,成为精密工程领域研究和应用的热点。总之,压电材料由于具有良好的机电耦合性能,在结构主动控制系统中有广阔的应用前景。随着压电材料广泛应用于空间复杂柔性结构,为缩短设计周期,降低设计成本,迫切需要快速、准确地分析复杂压电主动结构的动力学特性,优化压电智能驱动器的设计与仿真。 ANSYS压电驱动器的动力学建模与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_73274.html
