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时间:2021-04-12 20:13来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着激光技术的不断发展,获得单色性更好、亮度更高的偏振光成为可能,因而极大拓展了偏振光的实际应用。线偏振光经过葡萄糖溶液后,振动方向会产生偏转,即产生了旋光效应。利用该效应,可以实现对溶液浓度的测定。本文构建了旋光法测葡萄糖浓度的系统框图,进而阐述其基本原理。该方法可用于医疗领域,例如无创血糖浓度的测量。利用偏振光旋光效应测量葡萄糖的浓度,原理清晰易懂,计算简单,且测量操作简便,具有实用价值,值得推广。65466


Abstract: As the laser technology is developing, it becomes more likely to get good monochrome and brighter light. Therefore, the practical application of the polarization is greatly expanding. In the first, the article introduces the theory of polarized light and expresses the polarized light by a mathematical way. Then, it concentrates on the method of measuring glucose solution using rotation. At the same time, it derives that the synthesis light of vibration is a special form of line polarized vibration. When polarized light goes through spin light material, it still is line polarized light. However, compared with incident light, its polarized direction appears an angle. The principle of spin light method measuring glucose concentration by system diagram is introduced in the paper. Finally, polarized light is applied to measure blood glucose. On the base of describing the optical characteristic blood sugar, it puts emphasis on orthogonal dual polarized light measurement. Using polarized light measuring glucose concentration is not only simple and understandable, but also can be extended to the measurement of non-invasive blood glucose concentration. If it was applied to clinical trials, it will bring Gospel to many patients with diabetes.

Keywords: polarized light, optical rotation effect, sugar consistency

目   录

1 绪论 4

2 偏振光的基本理论 4

2.1 偏振光概念及其分类 4

2.2 偏振光的产生 5

2.3 偏振光的数学表示 5

3 基于旋光效应测量葡萄糖浓度 7

3.1 旋光效应 7

3.2 旋光法测葡萄糖浓度理论推导 8

3.3 旋光法测葡萄糖浓度系统 10

4 无创血糖浓度检测 10

结  论 12

参考文献 13

致  谢 14

1   绪论

1669,丹麦科学家首先通过实验观察到冰洲石有双折射现象[1]。双折射效应表现为:当光入射到冰洲石后,会有两折射光产生,一束为遵循一般折射定律的光,为o光,另一束为e光,即非寻常光。对于这一现象,惠更斯在他的著作《论光》里面对此有过一段论述:“由于空间物质的不同,所以光的传播速度不同,从而导致两束光的产生”。后来他又发现折射出的两束光的性质与原入射光的性质不同,所以他的简单波动理论解释不了这一现象。1808年,艾蒂安·路易·马吕斯在一次实验中发现当阳光照射在玻璃窗上,如果入射角是某个特定的数值时,反射光与惠更斯所观察到的具有相似性质。由此他提出:光束中的每一道光线具有相同的不对称性时,这光束便具有偏振性。后来他又利用实验推导出马吕斯定律[2]。1817年,菲涅尔和阿拉戈合作研究偏振对杨氏干涉的影响,由实验结果总结出振幅可以定量的解释偏振光。1852年,斯托克斯提出只需用四个参数便可描述任何光束的偏振态[3]。论文网 偏振光在葡萄糖浓度测量中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_73110.html
