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时间:2020-12-08 20:26来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  硅橡胶  力学性能  Mooney-Rivlin模型  本构模型


Title  The study of mechanical impact on different reinforcement  and ablation resistant filler on silicone rubber            


This paper introduces the solid rocket motor charge explosive cladding layer and the conventional silicon rubber ,mainly 107 silicone rubber as base gum ,reinforcing filler. It completes the preparation of silicone rubber specimen of different mass fraction of Al2O3 particles and the mass fraction of different mass fraction of SiO2, and completes the experiment of each set of specimens under different tensile rates of uniaxial tensile test. Finally, the Abaqus software is applied according to the experiment stress-strain curve which is on the basis of Mooney - Rivlin constitutive model of the hyper-elastic materials. This paper completes the fitting stress-strain curve with two fitting constants (C10 and C01), and analyzes the different between experiment curve and the fitting curve. It is showed that the fitting of the experimental results is well. It can be observed the influence of the constant in different quality copies of reinforcing filler for fitting, and the trend of C01 and C10 into reverse. 

Keywords  silicone rubber  mechanical property  Mooney-Rivlin model   constitutive model

1  绪论  1

2  硅橡胶试件制备  8

2.1  硅橡胶试件的配方  8

2.2  试件制备的方法  9

2.3  试件制备过程中遇到的问题及解决方法  10

3  超弹性本构模型  13

3.1  3种典型超弹性体本构模型  14

3.2  超弹性体模型基本理论  16

3.3  应力表达式  17

3.4  单轴拉伸试验基本关系  18

4  硅橡胶试件拉伸试验  21

4.1  单轴拉伸试验  21

4.2  标定  22

4.3  试件拉伸试验结果  22

4.4  遇到的问题及解决方法  25

5  试验数据处理  27

5.1  不同质量份数的Al2O3颗粒  27

5.2  不同质量份数的白炭黑颗粒  33

结论  40

致谢  41

参考文献 42

图1-1  硅橡胶缩合反应式  4

图1-2  白炭黑粒子内部的结构模型  6

图1-3  白炭黑的表面模型  6

图2-1  试样示意图  8

图2-2  真空箱  9

图3-1  超弹性体6种应力状态  13

图3-2  超弹性材料的3种应力状态等效性  14

图3-3  超弹性材料的典型试验曲线  14

图4-1  拉伸试件示意图  21

图4-2  试件及夹具装夹示意图  21

图4-3  单轴拉伸试验机  22

图4-4  标定数据拟合曲线  22

图4-5  Al2O3质量分数为10拉伸应力—应变曲线  23 Abaqus不同补强和耐烧蚀填料对硅橡胶力学性能影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_66092.html
