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时间:2020-08-21 17:00来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The law of conservation and transformation of energy is referred to as "Basic rule of the great movement" by Engels. This is an important theory in the 19th century nature science. The law of conservation and transformation of energy reveals the heat, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, mechanics, and other forms of various kinds of movement between the unify. It was the second integrated after the Newtonian mechanics’s completion. It was also laid the foundation of natural science for the creation of dialectical materialism of the Marxist philosophy. It broke the ”perpetual motion machine” vision of blindly. The law of conservation and transformation of energy, like any great scientific discoveries have a potential breeding period, also experienced a tortuous process to be proposed, has finally been widely acknowledged and accepted.

Keywords: Julius Robert Mayer, James Prescott Joule, H. Helmholtz, conservation,

mechanical equivalent of heat, the law of conservation and conversion of energy.

目  录

1 前言 4

2 能量的基本概念 4

2.1 能量的定义 4

2.2能量概念的形成(死力与活力之争) 5

3能量守恒定律的建立的历史背景 6

3.1能量守恒定律的内容 6

3.2能量守恒定律的发现过程 7

3.2.1 守恒思想的历史渊源 7

3.2.2运动不灭思想的发展(活力守恒的发现) 7

3.2.3各种自然现象之间相互转化的普遍发现 8

4能量守恒定律的建立过程 8

4.1第一类永动机 8

4.2 伦福德的贡献 10

4.3迈尔的贡献 10

4.4焦耳的贡献 11

4.5赫姆霍兹的贡献 11

4.6能量守恒定律发现的意义 12

5能量守恒定律的建立过程给我们的启示 12

5.1在物理教学中应注意科学研究方法的“多元性” 12

5.2在物理教学中应注意培养“捕捉机遇”的能力 12

5.3重视“争论”的科学价值 13

总结 14

参考文献 15

致  谢 16

1 前言

物理学的最根本目标是构建物质世界和谐统一的画面,由于能量守恒定律的发现及转变,世界也朝着这个目标迈进了一大步。 能量概念及能量守恒定律的建立过程及其启示:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_58812.html
