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时间:2020-05-04 09:43来源:毕业论文

Do you know how the rainbow after rain in summer forms? The answer is “the dispersion of light.” The rainbow is due to the incidence of sunlight shines onto the large number of floating drops of water. A dispersion phenomenon is caused by the many times of refraction and reflection. Newton did the famous experiment which called “prism”, which proved the existence of dispersion. Aiming at the disadvantages of the present teaching situation, this paper puts forward the idea of improving the teaching method based on the requirement of the new curriculum reform. Before the teaching design of light dispersion in the course of science at junior middle school, an analysis of the characteristics and role of students' physics learning interest is given. Then the principle of optical dispersion is introduced in details. In order to attract the interest of students, let the natural phenomenon of the rainbow be a starting point. I will explain how the dispersion of light works in rainbow and how the rainbow forms.
毕业论文关键词: 光学;色散;初中;教学;兴趣
Keyword: Optics; Dispersion of light; Junior middle school; Teaching; Interest
目    录
1 研究背景和意义    4
1.1 新课改新要求    4
1.2 物理学对人类生活的影响    4
2 教学现状    4
2.1 教学方法单一    4
2.2 照本宣科    4
3 物理学习兴趣的特征    5
3.1 愉快性    5
3.2 启迪性    5
3.3 参与性    5
3.4 发展性    5
4 物理教学中物理学习兴趣的作用    5
4.1 产生学习动力    5
4.2 定向和影响学习目标    6
4.3 调节和维持学习行为    6
5 教学方法改进    6
5.1 利用生活经验引入新课    6
5.2 学生亲身体验    7
5.3 生活中思考    7
6 光的色散    7
6.1 光色散的概念    7
6.2 光色散的原理    8
7 光的色散教学设计    9
7.1 彩虹形成的条件    9
7.2 观察彩虹的角度    9
7.3 彩虹的形状    10
7.4 彩虹的颜色排列    10
8 结论    11
参考文献    12
致谢    12
1 研究背景和意义
1.1 新课改新要求
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