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时间:2020-04-07 14:07来源:毕业论文


According to statistics, if the examinee choose physic for an examination can enter (including the physical limits of elective subjects for physical or no restrictions of elective subjects) professional (class), reached 91%, Chemical reached 83.5%, Biological reached 68.8%, Political reached 59.7%, History reached 62.8%, Geographic reached 60.9%, Technology reached 70.6%. From this data, we can see the physical discipline of this position is not reduced, but we can say more. So to participate in the new college entrance examination candidates, physics has become even more important. Main features of high school physics: quantitative analysis more than qualitative analysis. This is also the difficulty of high school physics, mathematics application as the subject role, which has particularly value in physics. In physics teaching, it always has a physical problem into a mathematical problem, the problem is solved finally.

毕业论文关键词: 高考改革;高中物理;教学方法   

 Keyword: Reform of college entrance examination; High school physics; Teaching method

目    录

1 高考制度的演变 4

1.1 高考制度的的历史发展 4

1.2 高考科目改革 4

2 物理在高考中角色的变化 5

3 传统高考物理教学内容与物理教学方法 5

3.1 落实基础教学 5

3.2 巧用数学工具解决物理问题 6

3.3 培养建模能力 6

3.4 注重理论联系实际、学以致用的原则 6

3.5 培养学生独立意识和规范意识 6

4 新高考物理教学内容及方法 7

4.1 做一个物理课程导师 7

4.2开发校本课程 7

4.3运用“物理”的思维对学生心理进行指导 7

5 物理教学与德育教育 8

5.1 形成正确的世界观 8

5.2 养成实事求是和勇于创新的科学精神 8

6 结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 10

1 高考制度的演变

1.1 高考制度的的历史发展

1905年,满清政府下令取消科举制度来招收官员,延续两千多年的科举制度从此退出历史舞台。1912年中华民国成立,逐渐展开现代高等教育,但是在民国时期没有所谓的全国统一高考,所有高校都是自主招生,直到1952年,新中国成立三年后,教育部首次明确规定高等院校实行全国统一招生考试,也是在这年,中国确定学习苏联模式,实行计划经济,并将高等教育里的院系进行大规模的调整。全国统一高考制止了当时高校招生过程中日益突出的混乱局面,也使计划经济体制顺利展开。至此全国教育在当时形成了非常成功的局面。 高考改革后高中物理的教学方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_49778.html
