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时间:2024-05-28 22:40来源:95489




abstract:Economic globalization has led to further development of the shipping industry, while bulk cargo shipments account for a large share of global shipping volume. Based on the global greenhouse effect and the development of the global green economy, the  high  consumption and high pollution of traditional ships have become a problem to be solved urgently in the shipbuilding industry. The development of green ships has become a new direction for the development of the global shipbuilding industry. Bulk carriers for the ship industry energy-saving emission reduction, the development of green ships is of great significance.

At present, to develop green ships, the development of windsurfing push cargo ship, we must ensure that the hull structure to meet the requirements of the use of strength. In the structural strength analysis, the installation of sail after the local strength of the deck is undoubtedly the focus of the study. In this paper, the strength of the local structure connected with the sail mast base is analyzed. According to the results of the   analysis   and   calculation,   the   corresponding   structural  strength conclusion is given.

Key words:Windsurfing, deck local strength, finite element, stress analysis


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状和存在的问题 2

1.3论文主要研究内容 3

第二章改进翼型风帆设计 5

2.1风帆翼型介绍及翼型选取 5

2.2翼型理论 5

2.3船型数据 6

2.3.1船舶主尺度 6

2.3.2货舱总布置及结构参数 6

2.3.3风帆的计算 7

第三章软件介绍及有限元建模 10

3.1.有限元理论及MSC软件介绍 10

3.1.1有限元理论 10

3.1.2MSC有限元软件介绍 11

3.2有限元建模 12

3.2.1建模过程 12

3.2.2边界条件 17

3.2.3施加载荷 18

3.2.4计算工况的选取 20

第四章计算结果分析 21

4.1第一种计算工况即夹角0o 21

4.2第二种计算工况即夹角15o 26
