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时间:2023-10-03 09:07来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In the United States, Britain, France and other countries, with the study of history of science teaching team of specialized occupation, the course of history of science and technology in the university has been very common in science teaching , also more and more teachers decided to combine the history of science and technology with professional course[1]。 However, the introduction of the history of science and technology in physics experiment teaching in middle school is one of the focuses in the history of science and technology education in western countries in recent years。 In the early 50s, the United States has written the history of science and Technology into University tutorial, the course of history of science and technology organically into science is vigorously advocated in today's world education。 However there are many difficulties in the executing process, so it is necessary to emphasize the feasibility and effectiveness of science and technology history into science curriculum。 In the actual teaching process, we will find that how to integrate the history of science and technology to be effective, interesting and practical is a difficult problem。 It is not difficult for us to know that it is the trend of science and technology to integrate science and technology into junior middle school science teaching。 The history of science and technology will be infiltrated from the teaching materials, subject, extra-curricular development and other aspects of junior high school teaching。

毕业论文关键词:科技史; 初中物理实验源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766

Keyword:History of science and technology; Junior middle school physical experiment






说到科学技术发展,要追溯到公元前,公元前的亚里士多德、阿基米德等人在推动世界科学的发展上作出了不可磨灭的贡献。从亚里士多德的《动物自然史》、《动物结构学》、《动物发生学》等多部著作中记载了500多中动物;到欧几里德的《几何学原理》为科学的发展提供了不可或缺的数学工具;现代科学的发展可以说是建立在阿基米德的研究之上,阿基米德推动了科学的前进。 科技史在初中物理实验中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_196752.html
