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时间:2023-02-21 22:32来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  面心立方紫铜 单拉 应变循环 应力控制循环


Title  Experimental study of the cyclic deformation properties   of pure copper                                                   

Abstract Loop metal material constitutive relation study has been a difficult area of solid mechanics and one of the hot, Because no significant deformation of the metal-containing material microscopic mechanism cycle, the traditional phenomenological model has many limitations in the loop simulation of metal deformation of polycrystalline materials。 This article intends to consider polycrystalline metal cyclic deformation process of evolution substructure bit wrong, in the framework of crystal plasticity, the establishment of circular ratchet crystal plasticity constitutive model on the scale of a single crystal, and through a certain scale transition rule will be extended to model polycrystalline metal。 Opposite fcc copper single pull, cyclic strain and stress controlled deformation behavior of asymmetric cycles (ratcheting behavior) simulation。 By comparing the results of cyclic constitutive model validation and prediction performed on single crystals of different crystallographic orientations ratcheting deformation stress level and crystallographic orientation dependence。

Keywords  Fcc copper, Single pull, Circulating strain, Stress control loop


1  绪论 1

1。1  研究意义 1

1。2  研究现状 1

1。2。1 实验研究 1源-于,优+尔^论=文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752.018766

1。2。2 本构模型的研究 3

1。2。3  本构模型的有限元模拟 5

2  实验过程 6

2。1 实验材料 6

2。2 实验过程 7

3  纯铜循环变形的实验研究 7

3。1 单轴拉伸实验 7

3。2 应变循环实验 8

3。3 应力控制循环实验 10

结  论 13

致谢 14

参 考 文 献 15

1  绪论

材料在受到拉伸或着压缩时,如果施加的力大于材料的屈服强度,那么材料就会发生塑性变形。当外力卸载并进行反向加载时,材料先是沿着弹性线恢复,继而发生反向变形,如果施加的反向载荷小于初始加载的载荷,那么材料产生反向变形的大小就会小于其初始变形,进而产生了残余应变。如此反复,这就是通常说的材料的棘轮效应。 纯铜循环变形性能的实验研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_140912.html
