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时间:2016-11-17 21:12来源:毕业论文

目     录

摘要    1
引言    1
1. 背景介绍    2
1.1 研究意义    2
1.2 研究现状    3
2.    高等数学对大学物理学习影响的调查与分析    3
2.1 研究方法和思路    3
2.2 问卷调查分析    4
2.3 调查结论    6
3. 原因分析及改进建议    7
3.1 当前教学活动不理想的原因分析    7
3.2 对高等数学和大学物理教学活动的改进建议    7
4. 结束语    8
参考文献    9
附录    10
致谢    12,3726
An Investigation on the Effect of Advanced Mathematics in Learning College Physics
— Taking the Zhoukou Normal University for an Example
Abstract: Advanced Mathematics is the language and tool of learning College Physics, and plays a very important role in the aspect of cognizing laws of physics, simplifying the physical model and developing physical thinking. In order to profoundly understand the effect of Advanced Mathematics in teaching activities of College Physics, I have been regarded “the effect of Advanced Mathematics in learning College Physics” as the topic to make a questionnaire survey. The investigation objects are some students of School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Zhoukou Normal University. Through the investigation I found that the impact of Advanced Mathematics in College Physics learning is significant. But the situation of students grasping and applying Advanced Mathematics is not optimistic. Under this circumstance, combined with the actual situation of Zhoukou Normal University, I analyzed and summarized the reasons, and put forward some suggestions for improvement in the future of Advanced Mathematics and College Physics teaching activities.
Key Words: Higher mathematic; University Physics; Effect; Investigation
1. 背景介绍
1.1 研究意义
1.1.1 高等数学和大学物理的特点
高等数学和大学物理作为独立的学科具有各自的特点:注重抽象思文以及逻辑关系是高等数学的基本特点,其舍弃了具体的对象,仅仅保留了数量关系和空间形式,使得这种数量关系和空间形式具有普遍性[2]。而大学物理的概念和定理均为对具体物体的描述,其具有以下主要特征:①观察和实验是大学物理学习的基础和前提;②掌握基本物理规律,运用这些规律解决实际问题是大学物理学学习的基本出发点;③高等数学知识是大学物理学习的语言和工具;④科学的方法以及运用高等数学知识来解决实际问题的能力,是物理学习的主要手段和桥梁[3]。由此可知客观性和精确性是其主要特征。例如:向量在高等数学中是一个抽象的概念,有大小和有方向构成了其主要特点,但是在大学物理中其可能用来表示一个力、位移或者电场强度等具体事物。 高等数学对大学物理学习影响的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_114.html