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时间:2018-03-08 16:33来源:毕业论文

关键词  图像处理   光学空间滤波   直边衍射  边缘   检测精度
Title    Study on spatial filtering technique of laser measurement
In this paper, the Fourier transform and Abbe imaging theory as the theoretical basis, using optical spatial filtering and image processing technology, a combination of methods, expand the experimental study of laser irradiation measurement problems around the straight edge parts detection. During the experiment, an optical spatial filter 4f set up experimental system, and by placing an orifice surface of the filter in the spectrum, the high frequency filtered component parts forming straight edge diffraction, and the straight edge of the part image capture by the CCD, the diffraction caused due to the increase blurred edge sharpness. Meanwhile, with the image processing technique, by median filtering, binarization, edge detection techniques and, ultimately, a more accurate straight edge parts of edge information, and calculates the size of the parts. Experimental results show that the filtering method in this space can be removed to some extent part of the edge of the straight edge blur, edge dimension to obtain more precise. Thus, the pinhole aperture spatial filtering to enhance the detection accuracy of the edge of column is a more feasible approach.
Keywords  Image processing   low-pass spatial filtering  edge straight  edge diffraction   measurement accuracy
目 录
1  引言    1
2  激光照射测量的空间滤波技术的相关理论及软件介绍    2
2.1 傅里叶变换    2
2.2 阿贝成像和空间滤波    3
2.2.1  阿贝成像原理    3
2.2.2空间滤波原理    6
2.3不同滤波器的介绍    6
2.4  matlab简介    8
2.4.1  M文件    8
2.4.2  应用函数及简单命令介绍    8
2.5本章小结    9
3.直边衍射的空间滤波实验    11
3.1实验光路设计    11
3.2直边的菲涅耳衍射    12
3.3消除衍射条纹的方法    14
3.4实验结果分析    16
3.5图像的处理[18]和计算    17
3.5.1图像的灰度化    17
3.5.2图像的中值滤波处理    17
3.5.3图像的二值化处理    20
3.5.4图像的边缘检测    21
3.5.5零件尺寸计算    22
3.5.6实验误差来源    23
结 论    24
致  谢    25
参考文献    26
1  引言
光学信号和图像处理是以在频谱面上改变空间频谱的为方法,应用傅立叶变换的相关理论,通过改变空间频谱,即利用空间滤波技术对光学信号或图像进行滤波从而改变的过程。自1873年德国科学家阿贝提出的二次成像原理到20世纪初的阿贝一波特实验[1],光学信息和图像处理技术已经得到了一定的发展。近几十年来,随着计算机软硬件的不断创新和发展,在光学信息和图像处理领域内,新的研究课题和成果如雨后春笋般不断涌现,阿贝的二次成像理论应用范围不断扩大。 激光照射测量的空间滤波技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_10811.html