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时间:2022-10-16 19:26来源:毕业论文

摘要V 型柴油机由于相互错开的气缸排列,大大缩短了柴油机的长度,并且错开排列的 布置方式有利于通过增大气缸的直径来提高气缸的排量和柴油机功率等优点被广泛应 用。但同时 V 型柴油机也伴随着振动、噪声等问题的存在,作为柴油机性能的重要指 标之一,只有提升柴油机的振声品质才能提高柴油机的工作性能和市场竞争力。从柴油 机内部采取措施抑制导致柴油机振动的主要激励源是降低柴油机振动的主要方法之一, 而应用最为广泛的就是在柴油机机体内安装平衡机构。84572

由于往复活塞式柴油机工作过程的周期性,运转过程中所产生的不平衡力和力矩成 分是引起柴油机振动的重要激励源,所以在柴油机平衡方案设计阶段需要首先进行整机 平衡分析,然后采取相应的措施,设计所需的平衡机构,对柴油机内部力系中未平衡的成 分进行抑制或消减,从而降低柴油机的振动,改善柴油机的工作性能。本文以曲轴采用空 间布置型式的 8V280 柴油机为研究对象,运用传统算法对气缸夹角为 60°、45°、50°和 90°四种不同情况下的柴油机进行平衡性能分析及平衡优化设计。


(1)对传统算法中的图解法和解析法进行比较,选取其中一种进行平衡分析的计 算。

(2)针对四种不同气缸夹角的柴油机,对柴油机的旋转惯性力、旋转惯性力矩、 往复惯性力、往复惯性力矩分别进行计算。

(3)选择四种气缸夹角中平衡性能较好的一种,计算特定气缸夹角下柴油机的倾 覆力矩。


毕业论文关键词:空间曲轴,8V280 柴油机,平衡分析,平衡优化

Abstract Due to the staggered arrangement of the cylinder in V-type diesel engine reducing the length of the diesel engine,and staggered arrangement has benefit to improve the cylinder displacement and diesel engine power by increasing the diameter of the cylinder,V-type diesel engine is widely used。However, at the same time, the V diesel engine is also accompanied by the existence of vibration, noise and other problems。As one of the important indexes of diesel engine performance, only to improve the vibration and sound quality of diesel engine can improve the working performance and market competitiveness of diesel engine。Taking measures to restrain the vibration of diesel engine from the main excitation source is one of the main methods to reduce the vibration of diesel engine。Which is most widely used is to install the balance mechanism in the body of diesel engine。

Due to the Periodicity of the working process of the reciprocating piston type diesel engine, the unbalance force and torque components generated during the operation are the important source of the diesel engine vibration。So we need to carry on the overall balance analysis in the first balanced plan design phase。Then take the appropriate measures and design the required balance mechanism to suppress or reduce the unbalance component in the internal force system of a diesel engine。So the vibration of diesel engine can be reduced, and the working performance of diesel engine can be improved。This paper takes the 8V280 diesel

engine by using the spatial arrangement type of crankshaft as the research object,what is more,

Use the traditional algorithm to analyze the balance performance and take optimization

design of diesel engine with the angle of 90 degrees, 60 degrees, 45 degrees and 50 degrees in four different cases。

The research work includes the following:

(1)Compare the graphic method and analytic method of the traditional algorithm, and select one method to carry out the calculation of the equilibrium analysis; 空间曲轴型式8V280柴油机平衡性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_100472.html
