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时间:2022-07-18 23:21来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在中国的封建社会里,“一夫多妻”、“夫为妻纲”等封建制度将女性的地位压制在生存的底端。女性做为男性的附属品,其身心、自由被封建礼教所束缚,加之自身的依附思想、生存环境等多重因素导致了女性的悲剧一生。《妻妾成群》中的颂莲生长在封建社会的末端,虽受过文化教育,可最后还是被根深蒂固的封建礼教压迫到精神崩溃,颂莲悲剧命运的成因是他人所迫,也是自身所累。这种命运不仅是社会的悲剧、制度的悲剧,更是人性的悲剧。82449



An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of the Lotus in the Wives and Concubines

Abstract:In the feudal society of China, "polygamy", "her husband wife Gang" feudal system will status of women in the press at the end of the survival of the bottom。 Women, for men's accessories, their physical and mental, freedom is bound by feudal ethics, coupled with its attachment ideology, existence environment, such as multiple factors resulted in women's tragic life。 Wives and concubines in Songlian grew up at the end of the feudal society。 Although educated, can finally be deep-rooted feudal oppression to the collapse of the spirit, the causes of Song Lian's tragic fate is others are forced, but also their own tired。 This fate is not only a social tragedy, the tragedy of the system, it is human tragedy In the feudal society of China, "polygamy", "her husband wife Gang" feudal system will status of women in the press at the end of the survival of the bottom。 Women, for men's accessories, their physical and mental, freedom is bound by feudal ethics, coupled with its attachment ideology, existence environment, such as multiple factors resulted in women's tragic life。 Wives and concubines in Songlian grew up at the end of the feudal society。 Although educated, can finally be deep-rooted feudal oppression to the collapse of the spirit, the causes of Song Lian's tragic fate is others are forced, but also their own tired。 This fate is not only the tragedy of society, the system of tragedy, but also the tragedy of human nature。

Key word:tragedy; female; feudal; human nature。

目        录

摘  要 














中国先锋小说家苏童有着锋利的女性视角,他善于将女性形象打造成男权社会的牺牲品,让人们直面女性的悲剧、时代和人性的悲剧。在他的笔下,有很多鲜活丰满的女性人物,有戏曲名角、演员,有深居简出的妇人、还有妓女等等她们都有着自己跌宕不堪的命运和随波逐流的人生论文网。在《妻妾成群》中,苏童从女学生颂莲家道中落嫁入有钱人家开始,缓缓地展开了陈家大院中女人们如何尔虞我诈的争宠、又如何在男权zhuyi下走向悲剧的故事。在这场女人的战争里,所有的女性都是输家,都有着她们自身的悲哀。而颂莲,是这个战争中悲剧女性的代表,她的悲剧命运是人生的偶然性与畸形人性的必然性交叉的结果。“细读《妻妾成群》之后我们可以发现,作者本人的创作兴趣似乎并不在于女性‘悲剧’的历史写真,而是在于对中国传统文化内在结构的理性‘窥视’”[1]。颂莲是从封建社会过度而来的女性,骨子里存留着封建社会灌注的思想;她是经过文化教育包装的女性,身上透着一股子“女学生”的气质;她是在反抗中自甘堕落的女性,想要自由的爱却又自愿依附于男人。这样一个女性,要在充满腐朽的男权家庭中实现自己对人生的浪漫想象,她的结局从一开始便注定是悲剧的。 《妻妾成群》中颂莲悲剧命运分析:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_96747.html
