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时间:2021-11-14 10:39来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Stories of Immortals and its postscript,Garden of Marvels are mythical stories from Wei and Jin Dynasty to Song Dynasty。There are altogether 108 stories of encounting strange things on journey included in them,43 of them are from Stories of Immortals,The postscript of Stories of Immortals and Garden of Marvels provide 27 and 38 of the rest respectively。Being effected by social climate at that time,the leading characters of the stories are usually men,few women are on the list。Besides intellectuals,business men,Taoist priests,Buddhist monks and military officers also occupy certain proportion of these leading characters,its manifests the improvement of business men’s status in Wei and Jin Dynasty and the change on atmosphere of intellectual’s going in for politics from Jin to Song Dynasty。And the travelling stories happened always in regions focusing on Taihu Lake Basin and Lingnan area,for these areas were close to the political center at that time。The supernatural beings the main characters came along include animals and plants,celestial beings and spirits,and some parts of the stories are influenced by the Buddhist philosophy。

Key words:Wei and Jin Dynasty;Song Dynasty;mythical stories;journey;stories of encounting strange things 



一 行旅主体



由上可知行旅主体是一位少女,因为别人的邀请而去拜神,在路途中偶遇蒋山神,神与人一见钟情。东晋葛洪在《抱朴子·外篇·疾缪》中记载:“而今俗妇女,休其蚕织之业,废其玄耽之务,不绩其麻,市也婆要。”可见在东晋时期,妇女有较多的接触社会的机会,可以参与一部分的社会活动,如吴望子就可以出行去击鼓跳舞娱神。但又有另外两例: 魏晋至宋行旅遇怪故事论析《搜神记》《搜神后记》《异苑》为例:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_84915.html
