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时间:2021-08-14 16:23来源:毕业论文
幼儿的这种心理焦虑 对幼儿个体生理发育、心理发展都会产生不利影响。这就需要家长要为幼儿入园做好充足 的准备,教师要积极做好幼儿入园的引导工作,家园相互配合、相互协作,

摘 要:小班幼儿在入园初期都会或多或少因为心理发展的不适应而出现分离焦虑的状况。 幼儿由于心理缺乏安全感导致持续的哭闹总是让家长和老师一筹莫展。环境的改变、幼儿 自身对新环境的适应能力较差等因素都会导致幼儿焦虑情绪的产生。幼儿的这种心理焦虑 对幼儿个体生理发育、心理发展都会产生不利影响。这就需要家长要为幼儿入园做好充足 的准备,教师要积极做好幼儿入园的引导工作,家园相互配合、相互协作,共同帮助幼儿 缓解入园焦虑。70765


Abstract:Small children in the early kindergarten admission will be more or less anxiety because of psychological development does not adapt to the changes in the surrounding environment. Children with mental insecurity leads to persistent crying always let the parents

and teachers do nothing .Changes in the environment,children's own ability to adapt to the new environment is poor and other factors will lead to the production of anxiety in children. This kind of psychological anxiety of children has a negative effect on the physical development and psychological development of children.This requires that parents should prepare enough for children to enter kindergarten, teachers should actively work to do to guide the children into the live of kindergarten, and parents,teachers should cooperate with each other, mutual cooperation, work together to help children alleviate anxiety when they enter the kindergarten.

Keyword:children,enter the kindergarten,separation anxiety,relieve

1 引言… 3

2 幼儿入园分离焦虑的含义和表现… 3

3 入园分离焦虑对幼儿的影响 4

3.1 不利于幼儿的生理发展… 4

3.2 不利于幼儿的心理发展… 4

4 幼儿入园分离焦虑的成因分析… 5

4.1 生活环境与行为规则的改变 5

4.2 幼儿自身对新环境适应力较差… 5

4.3 家长不恰当的行为培养方式 6

4.4 教师缺乏科学有效的引导措施… 6

5 缓解幼儿入园分离焦虑的建议… 7

5.1 家长要充分做好幼儿入园的各项准备… 7

5.2 教师要积极做好幼儿入园的引导工作… 9

结论… 12

参考文献 13

致谢… 14

1 引言

每年的金秋九月,对于无数即将开始上幼儿园的宝宝们都是意义非凡的,他们即将踏 上新的人生旅途,展开新的人生篇章,同样地,对于这些宝宝、家长和幼儿园老师来说, 又是痛苦和烦恼的,宝宝们因为不适应新的环境而产生的哭闹让很多家长和老师都束手无 策。从幼儿园的小班区走过,可以听到每个班级里都有震耳的哭闹声,有些反应比较激烈 的幼儿还会做出踢桌子、摔板凳、躺在地面上打滚儿、挥舞着小拳头甩开老师的手等等行 为,这都是因为他们接触一个全新的、陌生的环境,心里缺乏安全感,从而产生焦虑、不 安的情绪体验。心理学上称之为分离焦虑。论文网 幼儿入园分离焦虑的成因分析和缓解建议:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_80225.html
