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时间:2020-10-20 21:43来源:毕业论文

摘  要:屈原的哲学思想集中体现在《天问》中,全诗可以看作屈原对宇宙之道、自然之道和人事之道的探索,目的是为了寻找兴国之法则。屈原发现宇宙的生成与发展都遵循宇宙之道,天地万物都在它的制约下变化发展。自然事物皆遵循自然之道,明晓自然之道,才能因势利导,与天灾相抗衡。人事之道不在天命,而在人为,若将国运寄托于飘渺的天命,只会走向灭亡。而明晓人事之道的方法,就是要吸取历史的经验教训。在对“道”的认识上,屈原继承了老子的观点,认为道存在于万物之中,又超然于万物之外,顺道则兴,逆道则亡。但又对老子思想有所发展。老子的道是“无为之道”,而屈原的道是“有为之道”。屈原重人事之道与帛书《老子》更关注社会哲学的思想是一致的。屈原对圣贤、忠正、仁义、孝慈的肯定与推崇,与楚简《老子》中的思想有相通之处。在宇宙生成观上,屈原认为“阴阳”是宇宙生成的关键,“混沌”是宇宙的初始。纵观古今发现道不可违背,要顺道而行。这与《太一生水》的哲学思想是一致的。58369


Abstract: Qu Yuan's philosophical thoughts embodied in the "heaven", explore the poem can be seen as Qu Yuan of the universe, the Tao of nature and human way, the purpose is to find the law of the country. Qu Yuan found that the universe will follow the formation and development of the universe, the universe changes in its constraints. Natural things follow the natural way, Ming Xiao Tao of nature, and the nature of the natural disasters can compete. The personnel of the road in heaven, and in human, if the country lies in the misty heaven, only to perish. Xiao Ming and personnel way method, is to draw lessons from history. In the understanding of "Tao", Qu Yuan inherited the Lao Zi’s view, that Tao exists in all things, and is detached from the outside of the world, by Xing, inverse is dead. But some development thoughts of Lao Zi. Lao Zi is the word "inaction road", while Qu Yuan is "for the road". The personnel of the Silk Road and his heavy "Lao Zi" more attention to social philosophy is consistent. Qu Yuan of the saints, loyalty and righteousness, Filial love is respected, certainly, there are similarities with the idea of "me" bamboo slips. In view of the universe, In view of the universe, Qu Yuan thought that "Yin and Yang" is the key to the universe,"chaos" is the initial. The Tao is not contrary, would step in and do it. This is consistent with the "philosophy of life" of the water too. Qu Yuan doesn't believe in fate, believe in human effort is the decisive factor.. 

Key words: Qu Yuan; "heaven"; Chu Kingdom Philosophy; Lao Zi; "life too much water"; Avenue 

    屈原是我国战国时期楚国著名的爱国诗人,他创作的辞赋文采华丽、思想深邃。处于人类思想史上“轴心时代”的诗人,也如同众多思想家一般思索自身所处的世界,而楚国独具特色的文化则对他产生了巨大的影响。历来学者对屈原思想的研究大致可分为三个方面,一是关于屈原宇宙观的思想研究,主要关注屈原的怀疑精神、唯物思想和辩证法观念。二是关于屈原历史观的思想研究,主要关注屈原对历史的审视、反天命意识和该历史观产生的归因。三是关于屈原思想流派问题的研究,关注的焦点主要是屈原与儒法道三家的关系。这些研究都表明,屈原的作品中蕴含着深邃的思想内容,并与先秦诸子的思想存在着千丝万缕的关联。但限于年代久远,文献缺失,某些重大问题至今没有得到完美的解决。或囿于观念的束缚,理念的偏向,有些问题还值得深入探讨。屈原是楚国大夫,楚国哲学以道家为本,而道家思想又是诸子思想的根源。老子最先用“道”探讨宇宙与社会,接下来诸子百家纷纷以道阐述其政治主张。吕思勉在《先秦学术概论》中说: 屈原哲学思想从《天问》看楚国哲学:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_63277.html
