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时间:2020-06-13 21:41来源:毕业论文



 Comparison between Chinese Creation Myths and Greek Creation Myths


The creation myth is about the universe birth and the myth of human origins, all countries in the world have their own creation. This paper briefly introduces the world birth, said that China and Greece are derived from Sumerian mythology conclusion, then emphatically discusses the creation myth of human origin of the Chinese and Greek civilization country of origin of human differences and analysis because of its geographical location, social class, the Chinese in the fairy tales are more likely the true, the good and the beautiful, and there is a strict level color, Nuwa created villain with rich and poor and lowly, and Greek mythology Is the idea of equality, but also with the color of violence, between God and God often fight with each other, which with the Greeks by sea living has a certain connection, they have no unique farming conditions, like by force to plunder resources.  Whether it is Chinese or Greek creation myths, every country and its national characteristics are closely linked, through the research on the creation myth, we can know more about the ethnic culture, which interact with each other.

Key words: Chinese myth;  Greek myth;  human reproduction;  soil maker;  flood myth

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

一、天地开辟 1

二、人类起源 3

   (一)女娲泥土造人 4

   (二)普罗米修斯泥土造人 4

   (三)中希泥土造人神话的异同点 5

三、历水再生 6

   (一)中国洪水神话与人类再生 6

   (二)希腊洪水神话与人类再生 6

   (三)中希洪水神话的异同点 7

 参考文献 9

对于神话,很多学者对其都作出过评判与定义。在古代,古代寓意法学派的梅特罗多洛将人与空气、火等联系,将神与人体部位,如肾、肝脏等联系起来;而在当代,海涅认为人类编造神话是由于人类对自然的敬畏,神话是人与自然之间的纽带。尽管古往今来,对于神话究竟是什么,讲述的是真实还是虚假,众多学者们一直没有一个统一的答案,但是其基本内容是大致相同的,即神话是在原始社会中,人们对于因超出自己的知识范畴,所不能理解的现象进行幻想与加工,利用口头表达的形式所讲述出来的用来解释一些社会或自然现象的故事,其内容往往都是与神有关的传奇事件。 中国创世神话与希腊创世神话比较:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_54306.html
