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时间:2016-11-26 21:41来源:毕业论文

摘  要:沈虹光作为新时期戏剧领域为数不多的女性剧作家之一,自上世纪80年代以来,创作了一批优秀的戏剧作品。她的作品按照题材可以分为“小人物系列剧”、“革命战争题材剧”两大类。“小人物系列剧”中作者通过琐碎平常的生活场景还原了生活的原生态,塑造了“无我”、“自我”、“独我”三种不同的女性形象。风格朴素平实,细腻隽永。在另一类“革命战争题材剧”中作者通过革命战争时期特殊的生活场景塑造了几位坚毅不屈,将生死置之度外,具有博大胸怀的女性,展现了女性刚毅果敢的一面。但是作者笔下的女性大都没有女性意识,一些“高大全”式的女性形象明显没有摆脱“十七年”时期官方意识形态的窠臼,而带有鲜明的政治意和主旋律色彩。总之,沈虹光笔下的女性形象有真实可感的一面,但总体上讲,作者对人情、人性特别是女性自我意识的书写缺乏深度,而更多的流于官方说教。由此可以看出沈虹光是一位深受主流意识影响的主旋律作家。
The Analysis of Female Image of Hongguang Shen Plays
Abstract: As one of the few women playwrights in drama field of the new period, Hongguang Shen produced a number of excellent drama works since 1980s. According to the theme, her works could be divided into two main categories which including “The Small Potato Series” and “The Plays of Revolutionary Theme”. In the works of the first category, the authoress restored the original life through describing the trivial common life and shaped several different female images, including “Selflessness”, “Selfishness” and “Loneliness”, in simple and delicate style. In the works of the second category, she showed us the resilience, self-sacrificing and broad mind of several female images through describing the special life of revolutionary period and showed the fortitude and boldness of female. However, most female in her works have no feminist consciousness, those female images with “good gesture, broad mind and wholehearted serving spirit” which stand for politics and trends that time had apparently followed the set patters of official ideology in “The Seventeen Years” period. In brief, the female images in her work is real and could be felt, yet generally speaking, the authoress focused more on the official preaching than the description of human feelings, humanity and especially the feminist consciousness which needs deepening. Hongguang Shen is a main melody writer who is deeply affected by the mainstream consciousness.
Key Words: Hongguang Shen; The Female Image; Mainstream Consciousness
目        录

摘  要1
新时期以来,中国当代文坛涌现出了一大批优秀的女性作家,湖北文坛更是异军突起,代表人物有池莉、方方、沈虹光等。沈虹光较为出色的文学成就主要集中在戏剧方面,她以女作家特有的细腻敏感以及同为女性的性别体验和感悟,塑造了一系列丰富的女性形象。她的作品在国内戏剧界反响颇高,并多次获得戏剧大奖,作品影响甚至传播到海外。沈虹光突出的话剧成就使她的身份也有了大的转变:她原为一名话剧演员,现为湖北省文联主席。 沈虹光剧作中的女性形象分析:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_393.html