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时间:2019-08-23 13:13来源:毕业论文

摘  要:田润叶是路遥笔下传统性与现代性相结合的矛盾女性形象,她既有贺秀莲的温顺贤惠的传统美,又有田晓霞的大胆勇敢的现代女性美,但处于传统与现代交叉地带的田润叶,她与孙少安的爱情悲剧一方面体现出当时传统门当户对的婚恋观根深蒂固,另一方面也是作家路遥的现实主义创作手法的必然选择,爱情理想最终屈服于婚姻现实。田润叶与李向前的婚姻悲剧则一方面体现出田润叶身上的中国女性的善良、隐忍、坚韧、富于自我牺牲精神等的传统美德,另一方面也体现出男性作家对于婚姻中的女性角色的想象与定位。这种矛盾是社会转型期给这类女性的馈赠,“田润叶们”在这样的现实中体会着其中滋,并逐渐成长。38900
The traditional modern female
"The emotional changes of the ordinary world" Tian Run leaves
Abstract: Tian Runye is the contradiction between the traditional and modern image of women under the pen of Lu Yao combined, she not only has He Xiulian's gentle virtuous traditional beauty, and Tian Xiaoxia the bold modern female beauty, but in the intersection of traditional and modern areas of Tian Runye, she and Sun Shaoan's love tragedy reflects ingrained view at that time, the traditional equal marriage, the inevitable choice of realism but also the writer Lu Yao, the ideal of love finally succumbed to the reality of marriage. Tian Runye and Li Xiangqian's marriage is a tragedy embodies the traditional virtues of Tian Runye China women's kindness, tolerance, perseverance, and the spirit of sacrifice oneself, on the other hand also reflect the imagination and orientation of male writers in the role of women in marriage. This contradiction is the gift of the period of social transition to this kind of women, "Tian Yun leaves" experience the taste of them in such a reality, and gradually grow up.
Key Words: Tian Runye; tradition; modern; emotional changes
目        录
摘    要    1
关键词    1
Abstract.    1
前言    2
一、传统与现代的结合体田润叶    2
(一)传统中的田润叶与贺秀莲的对比    2
(二)现代的田润叶和田晓霞的对比    3
二、田润叶情感变化的必然性    4
(一)所处时代的影响    4
(二)孙少安对田润叶情感变化的影响    5
(三)家庭因素    5
(四)路遥现实主义创作手法的需要    6
三、田润叶女性形象的现实意义    7
结语    9
参考文献    9
致谢    10
(一)传统中的田润叶与贺秀莲的对比 传统的现代女性《平凡的世界》田润叶的情感变化:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_38090.html