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时间:2017-02-27 14:27来源:毕业论文

Textual Research of External Monks in China in the Period of Southern and Northern Dynasties
——Research Centered by Biography of Monks

Buddhism was introduced to China at the period of Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties, which had been widely spreading from Southern and Northern Dynasties in China. And those external monks from India and the Western Regions were main communicators of Buddhism. This paper which is entitled Textual Research of External Monks in China in the Period of Southern and Northern Dynasties:Research Centered by Biography of Monks tries to analyze and study these monks’ basic information, expedition routes and their main activities by collecting and recognizing some related materials about the external monks in Monks and Continued Monks. In Southern and Northern Dynasties, most of these external monks came from India and the Western Regions. Meanwhile, they came to China mainly by land way and waterway. In China ,these monks’ main activities were to translate  Buddhist sutras,  do medicine treatment, construct temples and spread the dharma. We can say that these external monks were special envoys for Chinese-foreign cultural exchanges and they had made  a great contribution to it.
Keyword : In China monk; Silk Road; translation of Buddhist scriptures; saving lives; cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries  
目    录

摘   要    1
题目英文摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人概况    2
二、魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人的路线    6
三、魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人在华的主要活动    9
参考文献:    15
致谢    16
魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人考论    ——以僧传为中心的研究
纵观整个魏晋南北朝,佛教在我国各地的发展极为迅速,成为佛教在中国发展的关键时期。这一时期大量的外域僧人不惮艰险、不远万里来到中国,他们主要来自天竺和西域地区。故笔者以《高僧传》和《续高僧传》中外域来华僧人进行搜集整理,为了叙述的方便,做魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人一览表。为节省篇幅,《高僧传》和《续高僧传》在表中使用简称。 魏晋南北朝时期外域来华僧人考论:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_3481.html