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时间:2024-03-23 16:38来源:毕业论文



Abstract:As a new art form with special significance of cultural transmission, modern animation industry more and more social attention and public recognition, in carrying forward the national history and cultural output has the important role which cannot be ignored。 In terms of the current animation industry development in our country, compared to the United States and Japan, the two main exporters of anime culture, the production technology, forms, cultural connotation and artistic innovation of the current animation industry are all better than us。 So,the author thinks that as a natural treasure storage of literature and art, Shanhaijing may be worthy of reference for modern animation creation of natural resources。 In this paper, starting from the present situation of Chinese animation, for according to  Shanhaijing content, part of the animation works as examples to explore both the cultural spirit and artistic performance on the connectivity, analysis the Shanhaijing’s reference significance to the development of modern Chinese animation。 This article will discuss from three aspects。 First chapter, respectively clarify the basic concepts of Shanhaijing and modern animation, analysis both commonness and characteristics of the cultural spirit and artistic expression; the second chapter, from the four aspects, plot, image concrete, aesthetic and fantasy analysis the innovative significance on the development of Chinese animation from Shanhaijing; the third chapter, as a domestic animational works —— Shanhai Master for example, analysis the feasibility of the creational reference from the Shanhaijing content。

Keywords: Shanhaijing; modern animation; image; plot; fantasy

绪  论


然而,与日本和美国的动漫相比,中国现代动漫产业的发展现状相较而言仍然略输一筹,其主要原因在于动漫作品的低龄化。就近几年国内动漫市场来看,传播范围和影响程度最广的诸如《喜羊羊与灰太狼》、《熊出没》、《大耳朵图图》等动画作品,虽然其中不乏有搬上大银幕的优秀作品,但仍改变不了其低龄化的消费群体,其观影年龄也多集中为0~5岁,很少有适合全年龄段或适合成人观看的、具有一定文化内涵和思想深度的作品出现。 《山海经》对中国动漫发展的借鉴意义:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_202916.html
