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时间:2024-02-14 09:51来源:毕业论文

摘  要: 崔莺莺与张生的爱情故事是元稹的《莺莺传》和董解元《西厢记诸宫调》还有王实甫《西厢记》所共用的素材,但在故事情节上的不同,反映出了不同时期爱情观的差异。从情节变化和人物性格及命运的变化中,我们可以看出,这个故事在其流传过程中打上了不同时代的印记。本文以元稹《莺莺传》、董解元《西厢记诸宫调》、王实甫《西厢记》中所反映的爱情观为研究对象,从男主人公张生和女主人公崔莺莺的性格和最终命运变化这两个方面着手 , 并结合作品产生时代的社会生活背景和人文习俗等社会层面,分析不同时代的不同爱情观。唐代的情爱观夹杂着门阀观念,而金代的情爱观则是才子配佳人的观念,元代抛开了这些提出了有情人终成眷属的观念。从《莺莺传》到《西厢记》爱情观变化不仅是因为社会制度改变了,还因为人们的审美情趣发生了改变。93797

毕业论文关键词: 元稹《莺莺传》;董解元《西厢记诸宫调》;王实甫《西厢记》;爱情观

Abstract:Basing on their predcessors’ works,different authors creat their own west chamber and instill new meaning to the story,character with their time。Either Yuan Zhen’s Bloiogrophy of Yingying or WangShifu’s Western Chamber,those authors works use the cue that the love story of Yingying and Zhang Sheng,revealing the differences of attitudes towards love in different time。When we looking at its changes and different characteristies and fate,it is not hard for us find out that the story was endowed with respective marks in its spread。The thesis endeavors to study love values,spparately reflected in Bloiogrophy of Yingying,Zhu Gong Diao of Xixiangji and western chamber,from two aspects the faithfulness and betrayal of the hero,Zhang Sheng。And the study combines the society,culture and custom to analyze different love values in different time。Tang's love view mingled with the concept of gate valve, and jin's love view is wit the idea of the wind, regardless of the yuan dynasty put forward the concept of shall be well, jack shall have Jill。 From the oriole to the west, the change in the love of love is not only because of the change of the social system, but also because of the changes in people's aesthetic taste。

Key words:Yuan ZhenBloiogrphy of Yingying; DongjieyuanZhu Gong Diao of Xixiangji; Wang Shifu Bloiogrphy of Yingying to western Chamber; love values

自元稹的传奇小说《莺莺传》以来,人们一直乐于吟咏崔莺莺与张生的爱情故事。从最初的小说《莺莺传》到后来的杂剧《西厢记》,我们可以看到崔莺莺与张生爱情故事的内涵已被大大地拓展与丰富了,他们所表现出的爱情观也发生了很大的变化。张燕瑾先生在他的著作《张燕瑾讲西厢记》中,概括了《莺莺传》的婚恋观“门当户对”,《西厢记诸宫调》的婚恋观“才子施恩,佳人报德”,《西厢记》的婚恋观“愿普天下有情的都成了眷属”;黄季鸿先生的著作《西厢记研究史》中也提到了《西厢记》的婚恋观即反对封建婚姻礼教,讴歌自由恋爱观;黄天骥在《情解西厢:<西厢记>创作论》中分析了张生“始乱终弃”悲剧的根源是唐代不合理的门阀婚姻制度,以及封建时代妇女地位、人格的不平等。在这些观点的基础上,本文重点分析从《莺莺传》到《西厢记》爱情观转变的原因。《莺莺传》中崔莺莺最终被抛弃,而“始乱终弃”的张生却被作者赞许为“善补过者”,后来董解元的《西厢记诸宫调》和王实甫的《西厢记》,完全抛弃了《莺莺传》“始乱终弃”的结尾,《西厢记》更是提出了了“有情人终成眷属”的响亮口号,这些巨大的变化在一定程度上是社会发展,人性发展的必然结果。 从《莺莺传》到《西厢记》爱情观变化的原因探究:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_201712.html
