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时间:2024-02-04 22:16来源:毕业论文

摘  要:频度副词,也被称为频率副词,用于指示发生行为、动作、事情等的频率。频度副词在汉语副词中有着重要地位,在语言表达和理解中起着不可估量的作用,同时在汉语学习者的学习过程中,它也扮演者不可替代的角色。但是对于汉语作为第二语言的学习者来说,在其学习过程中很难准确分辨某些意义相近、用法相似的频度副词,甚至经常混用,从而出现偏误。因此我们就必须细化对常用频度副词的研究。93636



Abstract:Adverbs of frequency can tell you how often things happen。 As an important category of Chinese adverbs, adverbs of frequency play an important role in language expression and understanding, which also play an indispensable part in the learning process of Chinese learners。 But for the Chinese, who are second language learners, some adverbs of frequency have similar meaning and usage, making the learners unable to distinguish the words correctly but mix them , and make mistakes。 Therefore, we must refine the study of frequency adverbs。

  In this paper, we choose the four grade words in the frequency adverbs, "usually, always", "often, frequently", the most frequently used。The error rate is relatively low, but confusing situation of the four appear from time to time。。This article will start from the direction of teaching Chinese to foreigners,reaching the four adverbs from semantic features, syntactic functions and pragmatic features systematically。 Based on the HSK dynamic composition corpus, this article explores the use of the four frequently used adverbs in the foreign students' corpus, which summed up the "error substitution, omission, redundancy," three kinds of errors that often occur, and find out the causes of errors。 Furthermore, in the teaching of Chinese as a second language, this paper also aims to put forward some practical suggestions from the perspective of teaching materials and teaching, to help Chinese learners to improve the level of Chinese。

Keywords: Adverbs of frequency; teaching Chinese to foreigners;error analysis;teaching tactics。

第一章:“一直、总(是)”、“经常、常常”的综合考察源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766



语言研究中,语义特征分析法能展现出更多的语法规则,针对教学中易混淆的词语,利用语义特征分析法来进行分析对比,从语义特征角度分析语言单位互相组合的可能性以及组合的方式,可以使频度副词的本体探究更加深入,从而为现代汉语教学提供更加有益的启示。 HSK甲级大纲频度副词比较研究及偏误分析:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_201521.html
