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时间:2023-12-12 21:36来源:毕业论文

摘  要:空空道人评点《聊斋志异》盖因其有感于时事而作,其文化创意之本质在于透视名著全息,剖析细节蕴意,本文以其评点《聊斋志异》卷一文字为主要内容,发现个体生命潜在意识,理解作家救世苦心,为学界鲜见。揭示世界真相,探索宇宙奥秘,必须对以往文化学术成就包括名人名著之具体切实理解,而好高骛远,好大喜功,必然导致虚假不实、奸诈阴险、争斗不休之恶浊风气。空空道人痛心于今日学者文士在体制弊端巨大压力下学术浮躁,机械模仿,造假盛行,故以评点七大名著具体切实文字,传播圣贤文化思想,超越功名利禄繁琐学术研究,值得学界重视。91936

毕业论文关键词:空空道人;评点《聊斋志异》; 文化创意

Abstract: Empty Void made a comment on Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio that because of its sense of current affairs, the essence of its cultural creativity lies in the perspective of famous holography, analysis of the details of meaning。 The commentary on Volume one in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is taken as a main content in this article, and it found out the inpidual life potential consciousness, understood the writer’s painstaking to save the world, which is rare in academia。 To reveal the truth of the world, explore the mysteries of the universe, one must have a concrete and practical understanding on the existed cultural and academic achievements, including celebrities and classics。 However, aiming too high and craving for greatness and success will inevitably foster a vicious atmosphere of false, treacherousness and insidiousness, and pisiveness。Empty Void is pained to the impetuous style of study under the great pressure of institutional ills, so he commented on the words of seven great classics to show that it is worthy of scholars to pay attention to the study of the sincerity and culture, beyond the fame and fortune。

Key words:  Empty Void ;Comments on Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio;Curtural innovation

孔子以大圣之智曰述而不作,其重视前贤成就恭敬之心可鉴也。中华传统文化积厚流光,博大精深,以其一生精力专心致志研究,能够得其一端加以传播和发展,乃卓有成效之贡献也。若实事求是,若自力更生,若励精图治,无一非古圣贤之格言。可叹今日学者动辄高唱“创新”,殊不知文化创新之坚实基础在于继承前人一切学术文化成果,在于接受前人无数历史经验教训,在于认识以往历史发展所体现之客观规律性也。钱穆先生曾说过,现在人率言“革新”,所以革新就应当知旧。不识病象,何施刀药?只是因为这种凭空抽象的幻想,蛮力的强干强为,求它得以实现,卤莽灭裂,其实对于现实近况是有破坏而没有改进的。[1](P2)揭示世界真相,探索宇宙奥秘,若无对以往文化学术成就包括名人名著之具体切实理解,而好高骛远,好大喜功,必然导致虚假不实、奸诈阴险、争斗不休之时尚风气。空空道人痛心于今日学者文士在体制弊端巨大压力下学术浮躁,机械模仿,造假盛行,故以评点七大名著具体切实文字,传播圣贤文化思想,其探索文学名著真相,求索真理,超越功名利禄繁琐学术之研究精神,值得学界重视。关于中国古代小说名著评点,王运熙等主编《中国文学批评史》指出,金人瑞评点《三国演义》震动当时文坛 ,金人瑞之后,张道深所点评的《金瓶梅》、脂砚斋所点评的《红楼梦》、毛氏父子所点评的《三国志演义》,都在后世扬名立万 。[2](P360)空空道人站在历史高度评点名著,蕴意深刻丰富,值得研究探索。本文在李士金教授指导下,以其评点《聊斋志异》卷一文字为主要内容,研讨其文化创意思想,欢迎读者批评指正。 空空道人评点《聊斋志异》文化创意思想述论:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_199521.html
