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时间:2023-07-27 22:31来源:毕业论文

摘    要东野圭吾作为日本推理小说代表作家,其小说语言风格凝练平实,而叙述风格又善于将极不合常理的现象通过推理演绎成符合逻辑的结果,不知不觉将读者引入谜团,直至结尾才娓娓道出缘由。但东野圭吾能真正被大众接纳热捧的原因在于其推理小说是从各种多元的角度去关注人性和社会,在严谨科学的逻辑思维模式的背后融入了关于人性温热的一面,将冷峻的理性和温热的情怀完美结合,也就是在推理小说里,供奉着人性。本文主要运用文本解读的方式,对《白夜行》、《嫌疑人X的献身》等东野圭吾的推理小说代表作进行分析,就其小说内容中的情与理、小说形式中的情与理以及东野小说中情与理融合的原因这三方面的艺术特色作简要的阐释。 89439

Abstract Higashino Keigo is a representative writer of Japanese whodunits。 The style of language in his stories is always concise and natural, and his narrative style can change the phenomenon of extreme irrationality into a logical result through reasoning and deduction。 Unknowingly bring readers into the mystery, only in the end of story will he give the right causes of the event。 However, why Higashino Keigo can be really accepted by the public is because its reasoning novels pay attention to human nature and society from a variety of angles, and the warm side of human nature will be hided on the back of logical thinking model in the rigorous science。 He will combine the cold rational and warm feelings together, that is, in the reasoning novel, dedicated to human nature。 This article mainly uses the method of text interpretation to analyze the representative works of Higashino Keigo's novels, such as "Into the white night" and "The Devotion of Suspect X"。 This paper will make a brief explanation about the artistic characteristics of the following three aspects: the relationship between love and reason in the novels’ content、the relationship between love and reason in the form of novels, and the fusing reasons of love and reason in the novel。


keyword :Higashino Keigo;Reasoning novels;Rationality and feelings

目    录

引言 2

一、东野小说内容中的情与理 3

(一)理性与情怀相交织源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 的人性 3

1。人物角色冷峻的理性 3

2。人物角色温热的情怀 4

(二)人伦与法理相矛盾的主题 4

1。人伦情感中的永恒主题 5

2。科技法理上的不懈挑战 5

(三)严谨与感性并存的情节 6

1。程序化理性推理情节演绎 6

2。温热动人的感性情节流露 6

二、东野小说形式中的情与理 7

(一)理性的逻辑推理结构 7

1。东野小说中的单线结构 7

2。东野小说中的双线并行结构 7

(二)富有情怀的语言风格 7

1。富有温情哲思的语言风格 8

2。富有感性张力的语言风格 8

三、东野小说中情与理融合的原因 东野圭吾推理小说特色解析:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_189158.html
