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时间:2023-04-18 22:45来源:毕业论文

摘    要《现代汉语词典》(第6版)是在我国改革开放不断推进、群众语言不断变动的背景下,在原有基础上的一次系统的修订。在成语方面,此次修订根据系统性、时代性、准确性、规范性的原则,通过增补、更改、删减、置换、调整等方式进一步完善了成语的收列和释义。但依旧存在一定的问题:收列方面,部分使用频率较高的成语未被收录,而一些在现代汉语中很少使用的成语未被删除;解释方面,部分成语存在着释义有误问题、疑难语素未解决导致的成语释义不够完善问题、释义的本义和引申义缺少照应问题、释义重复冗长不够简明问题,释义体例还存在着交代出处不统一、释义提示语“比喻”、“指”、“形容”等混用、“也说”等释义关联多种格式并存、例证情况不统一等问题。本文通过举例考证,说明《现代汉语词典》(第6版)在收释成语上存在的问题,并提出相关修改建议,希望对《现代汉语词典》的修订和成语学习有一定的参考意义。 88428

Modern Chinese Dictionary (the 6th Edition) is a systematic revision based on the original versions under the background of China’s reform and opening up and continuous changing in people’s language。 According to systematic, updated, accurate and standard criterion, this revision has perfected the collection and explanation of idioms by adding, changing, deleting, replacing and adjusting some of them。 However, there are still some aspects which need further improvement。 As for collecting, some idioms used frequently haven’t been included while a few scarcely used ones haven’t been deleted; as regards explanation, some of the idioms are misinterpreted, the unexplained idiom is not enough to solve the problem, the original meaning and meaning of the interpretation do not lack the care problem, the interpretation of the repetition is not concise and concise, the interpretation system also exists。 , Interpretation of the word "metaphor", "refers to", "describe" and so on, "also said" and so on the relationship between multiple formats coexist, the case is not uniform and other issues。 This article will explain the problems of collecting and explaining idioms existing in Modern Chinese Dictionary (the 6th Edition) with examples, and put forward the relevant suggestions, and hope to Modern Chinese Dictionary compilation and idiom learning have some inspiration and reference。

毕业论文关键词:成语; 现代汉语词典; 收列; 释义

Keyword: Modern Chinese Dictionary; Chinese Idioms; Collection; Explanation

目    录

一、 引言 4

二、 《现汉》源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 收列成语存在的问题 5

(一) 当收未收 5

(二) 不当收却收 9

三、 《现汉》解释成语存在的问题 12

(一) 释义存在错误 12

(二) 释义不够完善 15

(三) 释义缺少照应 17

1。 缺少本义 18

2。 缺少引申义 《现代汉语词典》收释成语存在的问题:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_160553.html
