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时间:2021-08-24 21:36来源:毕业论文
[9]张志婕. 基于岗位匹配的人力资源管理策略[J]. 企业改革与管理,2016,01:70-71. [10]余映红. 人岗匹配的重要性和实现对策[J]. 经营管理者,2016,16:167. [11]张纪元

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[15]朱平利. 组织中人岗匹配的障碍及其克服[J]. 湖北工业大学学报,2014,03:56-58.

[16]裴建娟. 基于岗位胜任力模型的人才招聘与选拔体系研究[J]. 心理技术与应用,2016,01:60-64.



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[21]Mert Aktas. Moderating effect of idiocentrism and allocentrism on person-organization-person job fit and work attitudes relationship[J]. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,2014,213:.

[22]Pei Chen,Paul Sparrow,Cary Cooper. The relationship between person-organization fit and job satisfaction[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology,2016,315:.

