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时间:2022-05-10 22:55来源:毕业论文
基于Altera公司的Cyclone III系列FPGAEP3C25和ATMEL公司的ARM芯片AT91SAM9G20的故障检测电路,完成了电路原理图和PCB的设计;设计了嵌入式系统软件,给出了流程图;加工装配后进行了调试

摘要随着现代科技的进步,无论是民用还是军事所用的器件都趋于精细与便携化。因此器件发生故障时,对其电路板的诊断及维修成了一项难题。如今,很多国家在故障诊断技术上进行了大量研究并取得了显著的成果。本文针对电路板故障诊断仪设计需求,给出了故障诊断仪总体设计框图与各组成部分主要指标;设计了基于Altera公司的Cyclone III系列FPGAEP3C25和ATMEL公司的ARM芯片AT91SAM9G20的故障检测电路,完成了电路原理图和PCB的设计;设计了嵌入式系统软件,给出了流程图;加工装配后进行了调试,测试结果表明该信号产生与故障检测电路达到设计功能要求。80574

毕业论文关键词  故障检测 EP3C25 AT91SAM9G20嵌入式系统 


Title  Circuit Design ofFault Diagnosis Instrument  Based on Embedded System 

Abstract With the development of modern technology, whether civilian or military used devices have become refined and portable。Therefore, when the device fails, its board diagnostics and maintenance became a problem。Today, Studies in many countries in the field of fault diagnosis technology have achieved good results。 The overall design block diagram of fault diagnosis instrument and key indicators of the various components are given, according to the design requirements of fault diagnosis instrument。 The signal generation and detection circuit is designed based on Altera company’s FPGA chip EP3C25 of Cyclone III series and ATMEL company’s ARM chip AT91SAM9G20。The designs of circuit schematic and PCB are completed。 The signal generation and detection circuit system are tested after the processing and assembling。 And the results of the test show that the signal generation and detection circuit can meet the requirements。

Keywords Fault Diagnosis InstrumentEP3C25AT91SAM9G20 PCB  Software


1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 论文内容及章节安排 2

2 故障诊断仪总体设计 3

2。1 故障诊断仪总体框图 3

2。2 故障诊断仪组成 4

3 故障检测电路硬件设计 8

3。1 主芯片选型 8

3。3 信号产生与故障检测电路组成 9

3。4 ARM系统电路设计 13

3。5 FPGA系统电路设计 21

3。6   PCB设计 24

4 软件设计 26

4。1  开发软件简介 27

4。2  AT91SAM9G20的启动和中断 27

4。3  ARM主程序流程 29

5  系统测试 34

5.1 测试方案 34

5.2 测试过程 35

5.3 测试结果 37

结  论 FPGA嵌入式系统的电路板故障检测电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_93680.html
